
Showing posts from May, 2014

What's CASUALTY in Spanish?

The translation is definitely not CASUALIDAD. Casualidad is Chance or Coincidence, e.g. ¡Qué casualidad! - What a coincidence! ¡Es pura casulidad! - It's pure chance! CASUALTY means VICTIMA as in someone who got killed in a war for example or some sort of disaster. A more appropriate term is perhaps BAJA. The number of civilian CASUALTIES is enormous. - El número de BAJAS civiles es enorme. As you can see, CASUALTY can be confusing for the average English learner since it is what we know as a False Friend. A False Friend is a word that looks similar to another from a different language but does not have the same meaning just like CASUALTY that has a spelling similar to that of the Spanish term CASUALIDAD. Yet they do not have the same meaning.

How do you say 2 X 2 in English?

Definitely not TWO BY TWO! In Spanish 2X2 is said DOS POR DOS. Literally that would be TWO BY TWO though I've had students saying TWO FOR TWO. None of those is correct. In English you don't say BY or FOR in this context. What you actually say is TWICE TWO IS TWO. If you want to say UNO POR DOS then say ONCE TWO. If you want to say 3X4, 4X4 5X7 is actually easier. Replace POR with the word TIMES as follows: 3X4=12 - three TIMES four is twelve 4x4= 16 - four TIMES four is sixteen 5x7 - five TIMES seven is forty-five.

How do you say CONSUEGRO (A) in English?

"Admit it. I'm a better Consuegro than you." The answer is there's no word for that in English. Though of course there are CONSUEGROS and CONSUEGRAS in their culture but for some reason there is not one specific term to refer to these members of our extended families. What you can do is to introduce this person as "my son or my daughter's father / mother in law" That should be enough.

What's an AARDVARK in Spanish?

"Ants...Ants...Where are thou?" This singular animal with physical features that seem taken from other animals is called an AARDVARK. It lives in Africa and just like the famous Ant Bear from South America, it feeds on ants though it also eats other insects. Perhaps the fact that is a nocturnal animal explains why not so many people know about AARDVARKS. In the Spanish-speaking world many people mistakenly call it OSO HORMIGUERO, just like the ANT BEAR, but a more precise name would be CERDO HORMIGUERO though AARDVARKS are not really related to pigs.