
Showing posts from March, 2017

What's a JOCK in Spanish?

"Me? I don't do much thinking. I let my muscles do it for me. They're pretty good at it, y`know?" The most common synonym of JOCK is Athlete and as such in Spanish it would be that precisely: ATLETA, especially one who is still in high school or college. The problem is that JOCK is a word that really defines a stereotype, that one about athletes focusing only on their muscles and who do not rank high at any intellectual level, so to speak. So if you know someone who is into developing his body, but not his mind that is certainly a JOCK. I don't really think there is a word for that in Spanish but we do refer to them as QUE SON PURO MUSCULO PERO CON NADA EN EL CEREBRO.

How do you say HORARIO DE RECUPERACION in English?

"I wonder where is the rest of this timetable. Now we'll have to make it up!"  Though the expression RECOVERY SCHEDULE  is possible, that is not the same idea as HORARIO DE RECUPERACION when it is used in Spanish. If the situation is someone has been injured and needs to rest, or follow a routine, in order to get better then those hours are usually grouped under the label RECOVERY SCHEDULE.  In Spanish, at least in Ecuador, we use the expression HORARIO DE RECUPERACION in the educational field. If someone has been unable to comply with the regular study hours, still there is this other chance to make up for them. In that case, the most appropriate translation would be MAKE-UP SCHEDULE or MAKE-UP HOURS.