
Showing posts from July, 2016

What's HEADY in Spanish?

"Fine, I don't get to be the president, but at least I got this to make me feel HEADY..." Though not necessarily a positive thing something is labeled HEADY when it is stimulating. It can be applied to alcoholic drinks (for obvious reasons), and also to situations that excite your senses in a powerful way such as a good book, a terrific film or a great accomplishment. It can also have a negative side, and then something that is HEADY is impetous or violent. In Spanish HEADY could be, depending on the situation, EMBRIAGADOR, VERTIGINOSO or PRECIPITADO. 

How do you say ANDAR CON PIES DE PLOMO in English?

Can we make that thing of ANDAR CON PIES DE PLOMO stronger? Whar if we say ANDAR CON PIES DE HIERRO?  The literal translation would be something like WALK WITH LEAD FEET which certainly sounds odd in English if not funny. Of course that is not how you say it in English. We could say WALK ON EGGSHELLS meaning we have to be extremely careful in whatever we are attempting to do. One that is perhaps more common is TREAD CAREFULLY or WARILY.