
Showing posts from August, 2014

What's SOJOURN in Spanish

Does it look like that backpack you lost long ago? That little time you stay in one place is a SOJOURN. It might be that you're traveling or visiting somebody; and the time you spend there would be defined as a SOJOURN. e.g. It was during one o my SOJOURNS to London that I had the privilege to interview Stephen Hawking. Synonyms of SOJOURN are visit or stay. It is a bit difficult to find a good translation for SOJOURN.  If we had to translate SOJOURN we could say something like a  CORTA ESTADIA or a CORTA VISITA. 

How do you say REPLICAS (DE UN TERREMOTO) in English?

"Very funny! Just your index fingers won't hold the chart!" Most Earthquakes (Terremotos in Spanish) do not come alone, so to speak. An area that has experienced a quake recently is likely to experience several more the following days or the same day until the moment earth stops shaking and stabilizes completely and things go back to normal again. The good news, if we can call it good news, is that usually those successive quakes are of a lesser magnitude. Those "less intense" quakes are called AFTERSHOCKS or MINOR SHOCKS whereas in Spanish they are called REPLICAS.