
Showing posts from May, 2015

How do you say CAPO in English?

"Well, if they keep calling me a CAPO in Ecuador we could always send them some flowers or that thing called yucca."                              In Spanish a CAPO is a man, usually the leader of a criminal organization, who does not usually involve directly with his own business and commands everything from a discreet and remote position, more specifically, a Mafia leader. The word CAPO is originally Italian not Spanish and  is also used in English but is still considered an alien word. Curiously, the word CAPO is not as frequent as another, also an alien word, DON. In fact, there seems to be an underlying difference between both terms- DONS are CAPOS but of he highest possible kind.  

What's AIM in Spanish?

An example of really poor AIM. It depends. AIM as a verb is simply APUNTAR or DIRIGIR (hacia un objetivo).  It may also mean PROPENDER as when you want to achieve something. AIM as a noun may be OBJETIVO or PROPOSITO. Though it's not always that easy.  In the example: "Your AIM is impeccable!" we cannot translate AIM as OBJETIVO. In this case AIM means LA CAPACIDAD DE DAR EN EL BLANCO.