What's a TOUPÉE in Spanish?
Trump. "Damn wind! I'm sure it was sent by the Mexicans!" More often than not there comes a time in the lives of some unfortunate men that their hairline starts receding too soon, too quickly. And then there is a bald spot where there used to be glorious and abundant hair. Some accept the coming of the inevitable with dignity and others despair. However, no shampoo or intense capillary method is going to regrow hair in those bald spots. They will only get larger and also people will start staring. But that's how it is. And yet the despairing men find that concealing the truth is an option and they go the TOUPÉE way. TOUPÉEs (yes, the word is originally French) are hairpieces either natural or artificial that try to cover that awful bald spot (in some cases unsuccessfully as the man in the picture). Since a Toupée is essentially a Wig and Wig in Spanish is Peluca, it only makes sense that TOUPÉE in Spanish is PELUQUÍN.