
How do you say FIAR in English?

If the second were true, credit cards would not be so successful. This is one Spanish wins. There is not one word to define what FIAR is in English.  FIAR is when you sell a product but admit the purchaser to pay at a later date. The most likely translations would be SELL ON CREDIT or BUY ON CREDIT depending on who's speaking, the seller or the buyer. GIVE CREDIT is also possible, however, this expression also has another meaning which is to acknowledge someone's merits.

What's GAZEBO in Spanish? (word suggested by Cristina Faytong)

This GAZEBO is so cozy people get sleepy after a while and return home to go to bed. Nice word, right? Lots of terms in English look like other words in Spanish, e.g. Hamburger is Hamburguesa, Comfortable is Confortable and Delicious is Delicioso. But GAZEBO...there is no even etymology for such term, though there are several hypotheses about its origin.  You can find GAZEBOS in gardens or in places in the open. They have several purposes: they are ornamental, they serve as shelters, and also as observatories (which is why they are located in cozy and quiet places). There are a few words in Spanish for GAZEBO (even QUIOSCO qualifies), but the one that is closest in meaning is GLORIETA.

How do you say FALSIFICAR DOCUMENTOS in English?

Museum Guide: "And here you can see authentic FORGED documents from the early XX century." Well forget about To Falsificate, which actually is the Italian word for this crime.  To Falsify does exist but it means to alter a document to make it look false or incorrect. When you falsify something you take something and change it in a way it looks real but it's still intrinsically something else.  For instance, if you take a one-dollar bill and change it so as to look like a five-dollar bill that is to falsify. (the product is known as Counterfeit Money) If I make a document that never existed before or I create counterfeit money and next I claim it is real then that is FORGERY.  The verb TO FORGE exists and indeed it means to create a document for the purposes of deception but it also means to shape metal by hitting it in a furnace and then hammering it.

What is TO IMPOUND in Spanish?

Truck Driver: "And yes, you will have to pay for this as well!" When something is impounded it means that it is under  legal custody because of a law infringement of sorts.  Waht is impounded should be something really valuable such as  a car, a computer or even documents.  That is the most usual use of the word IMPOUND as a verb, but it could also mean Lock Up or even Hold Back. For purposes of this entry we will use only the most well-known meaning. In this case the translation is CONFISCAR. vehicles  parked  where they cause an  obstruction will be impounded

How do you say DAR DE COMER CON LA MANO in English?

                                                                                      Did you wash your hands before this? I'm not so sure . It's so simple really, and because of that just one more proof that English is more practical  than Spanish. The term is HAND-FEED or HANDFEED. You do the math -- DAR DE COMER CON LA MANO ( six words ) versus HAND-FEED ( two words connected by a hyphen ).                     

How do you say NACIMIENTO NAVIDEÑO in English?

"Oh no! Not another power blackout!"             NACIMIENTO NAVIDEÑO or PESEBRE NAVIDEÑO is a tradition which consists in recreating the moment of Jesus Christ's birth with small figures representing Joseph, Mary, the shepherds and the Wise Kings. Baby Jesus is set on December 25th of course, while the other figures are placed before, usually at the beginning of December.       The translation is NATIVITY SCENE, though some people only say CHRISTMAS SCENE. This last term is a bit broad -- even an image of Santa Claus riding his sleigh falls under that description. Saying CHRISTMAS NATIVITY SCENE would be perhaps more appropriate.                                                                                      ...

What's a STOWAWAY in Spanish?

"I'm not a STOWAWAY. I'm just evaluating this place's so uncomfortable!' Once a person decides to get free passage to another place without paying the corresponding ticket by hiding somewhere in a train or a plane, that person becomes a STOWAWAY. There are several reasons for a person to stow away with illegal immigration, avoiding pursuit or just thrill-seeking among the most common. POLIZONTE is the word that is most often used in Spanish to designate a STOWAWAY.