
England, Great Britain, the United Kingdom

If you're English then you're British, but If you're British you're not necessarily English. Many people do not see the difference between one and another but the distinction is one of great importance. First of all, England is a nation located in The British Isles  and that occupies the largest part but not all of that territory as it can be seen in the first map on the left. Thispart  is of course the heart of what once was the British Empire whose remnants can still be found all over the globe and is also here where London (and the famous Buckingham Palace) is placed. Great Britain is something greater because it includes other countries and not only England. Surely you have heard of Scotland, the capital of which is Edinburgh. Scotland is part of Great Britain but has retained many rights and priviledges to the point Scotland sends its own team to play in international tournaments as though it were a completely independent state. Actuaslly it is not that


Dredd (2012) is not your typical superhero movie just because  Judge Dredd is not really your typical hero since he is judge, jury and executioner, all in one. Judge Dredd exists in one of those post-apocaliptic futures that were so commonly envisioned by the end of the Cold War. Earth is now a gigantic wasteland and cvilization has retreated to extensive cities simply called Mega-cities. There are apparently three in the U.S. and Judge Dredd lives in the most impotant called Mega City-1 which is like any of our large cities today but with ten times more problems. Staunch and relentless, Dredd brings justice effectively but sometimes coldly. Crime never rests in Mega City , however, that is not a problem for Dredd  who deep inside enjoys being a Judge. This future cop has a loyal legion of followers since his adventures began being published in the British comic 2000 A.D .  Later he would have his first movie starred by Sylvester Stallone that was not very successful in terms of m

A Play is no Game

In English, just like in Spanish, the same word can perform different functions without even changing its spelling. The word Link for instance can be a noun and can also be a verb. We need to establish a LINK between your computer and the main server . (Link is a noun here) All these three wires LINK this equipment with the other devices. (Link is a verb here) Examples of this phenomenon are more frequent in English than Spanish, but here is one. La REINA se encuentra molesta por esta situación . (Reina is a noun here) Una gran inquietud REINA en los corazones de todos nosotros . (Reina is a verb here) The meaning tends to change, in some cases dramatically, and one of those is the word PLAY which EFL learners first know as the verb JUGAR.  They unconsciously make an assumption and come to believe that PLAY is a verb and a noun as well. The truth is another. A Play is not a Game. To PLAY is JUGAR, but a PLAY is not un JUEGO.  A PLAY  is what we know in Spanish as OBR

Cometa is not a Comet

The word Comet does not mean Cometa necessarily. If we mean the icy balls that populate the empty spaces of the Solar System moving from somewhere beyond Neptune and the Sun, the answer is yes: a Cometa is a Comet. If on the contrary we mean the object that  when we kids we use "to soar" the sky with, then the answer for sure is no because the word in this case is Kite not Comet. Why the difference? Well, the word Kite is originally Chinese since kites were an invention of the Chinese of more than 2,000 years ago. It was the British and Dutch merchants that first brought that word to their own countries, not Italy or Spain. In their own turn the populations of these countries learnt of the object first from none other than Marco Polo who probably first compared this object to the "sky" comets when he described them. In Spanish then these two objects, Comet and Kite, though very different in nature are just called Cometa.                                       


The Word Too used before an adjective rarely has a positive meaning. It matters not if the adjective that follows it is a "positive" term such as beautiful or smart and in fact when we tell someone: "Oh, you're too smart!", well, that's far from being a compliment. It is really sarcasm. What about this other: "Don't you try to date her, because she's just too beautiful for you!" I don't think a real friend would say this to his best buddy. Spanish speakers tend to believe that TOO is a positive word perhaps due to its other usage (when it means ALSO). TOO indicates excess (in fact it can be replced with the word EXCESSIVELY) and that can not be good. Let's not forget that both the word EXCESS and EXTREME are considered to be negative because they indicate an exaggeration in every case.

The Wolverine

Thie is the teaser poster showing Hugh Jackman as the character that made him famous. Apparently, they have been working in another Wolverine movie which will be out in 2013. Does this one continue the story begun in Wolverine : Origins or is it another reboot?  Wolverine has plenty of stories to make another film and then twenty more since Wolverine himself is a lot older than he looks (he's probably as old as Captain America). The former Weapon X ages quite slowly due to his mutant power, his "healing factor", that makes him immune to most diseases and thus helps Wolverine to stand the ravages of time much better than a normal human being (or a mutant).  In one of his adventures Logan (his real name) once traveled to Japan where he made some of his fiercest enemies and also started yet another sentimental relationship. Well, that's the thing with heroes. They never stop....anywhere.

English vs Spanish: Jack

Jack may sound as a name, and it is, as in Jack Nicholson the star in The Shining. It is also a pet name for John and sometimes also for Jacob (John F. Kennedy was sometimes called Jack). You can also find the word Jack in a children's toy called Jack-in-the-Box. It is a special toy that consists of a clown inside a box. When activated, the box emits a melody at the end of which a clown appears all of a sudden to startle whoever is looking. A Jack is a hero in some English traditions who is a bit lazy but also quite clever in the way he gets out of those problems. Tales that most likely protray him are Jack and the Beanstalk  and Jack, the Giant Killer. A jack is a tool, more specifically a lifting device to help when a car gets a flat tire. A jack-o-lantern is that pumpkin that has been carved a face on it and whose content has been taken out to allow a light inside. Having one in the windows of every house in the U.S. is a traditional thing to do on Halloween. A Jack