
What is FENDER BENDER in Spanish?

This could also be called "A Close Encounter". FENDER BENDER es un término que difícilmente puede ser traducido al español.  Aunque posible, la traducción no tiene much sentido o no da una idea correcta de a que se refiere: DOBLA GUARDAFANGOS . El término alude siempre a un accidente automovilístico menor donde ambos carros sufrieron daños mínimos, y se le llama así porque el más usual de estos accidentes es aquel en el cual al cambiar de luz la señal de tránsito el segundo automovil de la columna sale antes de tiempo y choca con el guardafangos (FENDER) trasero del carro delante suyo dejandolo con alguna dobladura (BEND). Es probable que el argot de los países hispanoamericanos existan término propio y locales para definir FENDER BENDER , considerando lo usual del evento. En Guayaquil, por ejemplo, se suele hablar de un POPAZO.  ¿Cómo lo llaman en su país?

One word that Spanish has but English does not

"I'm not SENDO, only huge!" There are in fact several words that only exist in Spanish (the same could be said about English). One of those words is SENDO, an adjective that only exists in Spanish. It means “one for each one of the persons or things mentioned”. For example, if you say: “Les enseñaron tres casas con sendos jardines,” it means: “They showed them three houses, each with its own garden.”  As you can see, SENDO is in plural form. That happens because in Spanish adjectives have plural forms and also change according to the gender of the noun they refer to, In other words, there is the word SENDO , but also SENDA , SENDOS , and SENDAS . In most Latin American countries (where Spanish is also spoken) this word is rarely used, and in some, it is used with a different meaning. In those countries, SENDO means HUGE or SHOCKING.

How many continents are there?

  -                               Europe and North America do not really look like separate continents.                                                                                                                                          [ A continent is one of the several masses in which surface land is divided. Curiously, the exact number of continents is one point that even today is a matter of discussion. ...

What's SNIPPY in Spanish?

"Snippy? Maybe, but my eyes are on you." SNIPPY is one of those words that every English learner should know, but they don't. The most likely translation in Spanish would be INSOLENTE.  The problem is that SNIPPY is being rude, but usually condescending.  In Spanish, we don't have a word for that specific way of being insolent. Probably we would resort to using a different word, Descortés perhaps. 

What's A CLEAN SLATE in Spanish?

So, the duster does work! A CLEAN SLATE es otra manera de decir A NEW BEGINNING, es decir UN NUEVO COMIENZO. Muchos lo buscan porque quisieran comenzar de nuevo y sienten que donde están no podrán hacerlo. Para la mayoría de los latinomaericanos ese nuevo comienzo está en los Estados Unidos, pero eso puede ser una ilusión. No es que no haya oportunidades, lo que pasa es que no todo es fácil. Si usted quiere viajar y hacer un CLEAN SLATE allá, considere si en realidad esa es su única posibilidad. Lo mejor es informarse y preguntarse si lo que persigue es una ficción. Tal vez con una actitud diferente pueda encontar lo que busca aquí mismo o en un destino que no sea necesariamente los Estados Unidos, pues hay otros países que podría considerar.

What's ACCOUNTABILITY in Spanish?

"Can I be held ACCOUNTABLE for all these lightbulbs?" ACCOUNTABILITY is said to translate as RESPONSABILIDAD, and it is but not completely. For example, Ecuadorian politicians use ploys to avoid ACCOUNTABILITY for their actions . In Spanish: Los políticos ecuatorianos usan tácticas para evitar RESPONSABILIDAD por sus acciones . This translation is only acceptable because it is somewhat lacking. A much better option would be: Los políticos ecuatorianos usan tácticas para evitar HACERSE RESPONSABLES de sus acciones . HACERSE RESPONSABLE DE ALGO, ACEPTAR or ASUMIR RESPONSABILIDAD POR ALGO express more accurately in Spanish the real meaning of this word in English.      

How do you say DIZQUE in English?

So this  "So, this DIZQUE term is often used when gossiping. Can you believe it?" D IZQUE is an interesting word in Spanish since it is really the contraction of the expression SE DICE QUE (IT'S SAID THAT). DIZQUE can function as an adverb and also an adjective. when it's an adverb, it means SUPPOSEDLY or APPARENTLY. She was sick, APPARENTLY. --> Ella DIZQUE estaba enferma.   The word DIZQUE in this case has a connotation. The speaker could have used the term APPARENTLY, but the fact that DIZQUE was preferred indicates the speaker thinks it's a lie. This is why DIZQUE is more often used when gossiping. When DIZQUE is an adjective, it translates as SO-CALLED. There is that SO-CALLED lawyer, Bryan A. --> Ahí está ese DIZQUE abogado, Bryan A. DIZQUE and DISQUE may have similar sounds, but they are not the same since DISQUE is a verb in imperative form and it means: "DIAL!"