What's ACCOUNTABILITY in Spanish?

"Can I be held ACCOUNTABLE for all these lightbulbs?"

ACCOUNTABILITY is said to translate as RESPONSABILIDAD, and it is but not completely.

For example, Ecuadorian politicians use ploys to avoid ACCOUNTABILITY for their actions.

In Spanish: Los políticos ecuatorianos usan tácticas para evitar RESPONSABILIDAD por sus acciones.

This translation is only acceptable because it is somewhat lacking. A much better option would be:

Los políticos ecuatorianos usan tácticas para evitar HACERSE RESPONSABLES de sus acciones.

HACERSE RESPONSABLE DE ALGO, ACEPTAR or ASUMIR RESPONSABILIDAD POR ALGO express more accurately in Spanish the real meaning of this word in English. 




Yes, I think that the suggestion of using HACERSE RESPONSABLE DE ALGO, ACEPTAR or ASUMIR RESPONSABILIDAD POR ALGO provides a more accurate reflection of the concept.

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