
A Portmanteau is not a port and it is not a word, but a combination of words and their meanings into one.
One good example of that is the word Infomercial which is the result of the blending of the words Information and Commercial.
A Portmanteau takes from the meanings of the words that were used to make it up and at the same time it does not because it is created to refer to a new concept.
Here is another example: Brunch, a term that results from the combination of the words Breakfast and Lunch. It is neither but that quick meal that you take in the mid-morning, too late for breakfast and too early for lunch.
What is the translation of Portmanteau in Spanish? There is none for the meaning used here, but Portmanteau may also refer to what in Spanish is called BAUL DE VIAJE.
The name Guayaquil would be another example of a portmanteau.


SonniAs said…
It is very interesting how we can join two words to refere to something new. I think it is very practical when talking in a hurry. I have always heard the expression "Brunch" without knowing its meaning; now that I know it I'll start using it :)
As I always say, we can learn new thing everyday.
I knew what Portmanteau involves but with other word like just “blending”, I didn’t know that we could call it as Portmanteau.
I think it's amazing the evolution of the language to get to a point in which we have something like that. Indeed Guayaquil is part of that category because of Guayas and Quil.
Manuel Erazo said…
I've read before about words formation that and in this case it is called blending another example could be smog that is the combination of smoke and fog , in this case I learned that new word which is Portmanteau I did not know that word means Baul de viaje, by the way my first impression of it was, that the word comes from France but I am not pretty sure.
Juan Jesús said…
Lucin Preciado Juan Jesús :
That is a good example when we talk about language evolution. Each word can be origined by the mix of other words. There are not limits.
David Flores said…
I didn't know this word but it makes sense when I say "Cosplay", it comes from the practice of dressing up in the clothe or costume of a character from an anime or movie like Goku or Naruto. It combines those words: costume and play.
We can always learn something new, I find it very good to create these combinations or mixtures of words and a clear example is "brunch".
Anonymous said…
Tahis Bone:
That's sound interesting, I didn't know about this word.
Unknown said…
This is a great example of how language evolves over time, adapting to new trends and varying in the different contexts. Another word that is a portmanteau that I didn’t know what it was is the word “cosplay” which is the combination of costume and play. Cosplay means dressing up as a character from a movie, book, or video game.
Mayber Barbecho said…
One word: WOW!
I didn't know anything about it, to be honest but what I just read was very interesting. I would like to read more about it.
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Unknown said…
Dave Criollo
I agree with Sonia, there are so many words in English that there are combinations of two k more words, the same thing happens in Spanish. It is these types of words in English that make me think a lot about how many words in English I could combine.
Berenice Bazurto said…
I love them Maybe it’s because they are brand new words and I have the chance to learn something new and finding out the definition of a new portmanteau means that I am looking at it more closely as a word.
Mayber Barbecho said…
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Nicole Cedeño Gines said…
I had already heard about this topic before and I find it very interesting how the combination of two different words can form a new one and give it a meaning. It is good information that will help us to add more words to our vocabulary. Thank you! ;)
Adriana said…

Interesting information, I didn't know about the difference. I think it's very useful and will help us in many ways...
Velásquez Vallejo Jhohan said…
Well, honestly it's sounds like a french word, in fact, it is. Now, I know Emoticons are from emotions and icons and I can call this kind of word.
Saraí Pesantes Parreño

This proves me how the language keeps changing and the way we are used to hear those words in our daily life that we don’t realize the background or roots of them. Most of the time, we do not even recognize they are blending words. One more thing I found interesting in this post is the word ‘Portmanteau’, I haven’t heard that word before but now I know its meaning which is awesome.
Velásquez Vallejo Jhohan said…
Well, honestly it's sounds like a french word, in fact, it is. Now, I know Emoticons are from emotions and icons and I can call Portmanteau this kind of word.
Mayber Barbecho said…
Mayber Barbecho Mejía
One word: WOW!
I didn't know anything about it, to be honest but what I just read was very interesting. I would like to read more about it.
First of all, I had never heard that word sincerely unknown to its existence, I find it very interesting to see how much language has evolved today to the point of doing something like that (combining words and giving it a logical sense).
Roxana Guaman said…
It is interesting how new words can be created. Two different meanings into one word is outstanding. Sometimes we say many words that are common for us and we don't know that those words are the result from blending two or more words.
Britney Navas:
First of all, I had never heard that word sincerely unknown to its existence, I find it very interesting to see how much language has evolved today to the point of doing something like that (combining words and giving it a logical sense).
Genesis Medina said…
I think that part of the English for the foreign students sometimes it is a little difficul to understand the meaning because it the link between two word as a result a new meaning as well.
I knew about the word brunch and it is kind of funny because I always have it specially on weekends. You know what I mean
The English language surprise me how many things we still don't know, and that it will help us to improve our vocabulary.
Eunice Rosado said…
It is very interesting to know how two words can be combined into one and to think that they form something totally different and with a somewhat different meaning than the two original words, I had knowledge about this topic, but I would like to know even more
Wow is a great informative fact! The truth is that I had no idea what it meant but now I understand that as technology advances the language advances so I think we owe it to young people as they create their new dialects, new phrases for others to use today. For example the word frenemy (friend-enemy)
Anonymous said…
Alex Alvarez
Interesting that both words differ of what they actually mean in French to something new in English. I knew about infomertial and brunch btw
Odette Torres Alvear said…
This information is so interesting, because when I read normally I don't know that says or I think is a word that have a meaning when doesn't really have , is only combinations of the words, is only acronyms.But is good learn new words even when doesn't have a meaning in Spanish or traduction.
Avila Magi Esther De Jesus said…
I find it interesting, I read there are some words that are compound but I did not know they form a new concept. It's good to know
Anonymous said…
Diego Yance.
I considered this a interesting and helpful information, I didn’t now this before and always is good to learn something new, I think I’m going to read more about it.
Mendoza Párraga Martha said…
Life is a learning process, what an interesting article. I think it is a good way to demonstrate language evolution and learn about it, a new word to add to my vocabulary :) another example for this category of word is telethon (telephone + marathon).
Ortega Melanie said…
This information is really interesting. I was facinated about how language could be used, innovated, changed, and of course, combined to express something in different cases.
Arly Lopez said…
I find it very interesting to know that by joining two words you can build a new concept, I honestly didn’t know that Portmanteau was the exact word to refer to that. For example emoticon = Emotion + icon
It’s an interesting topic to see and search about. I had heard the word brunch before but never that one. This is a clear proof that language changes and improving every single day.
Solange coello jimenez said…
In Spanish I know of some like that, but in English never came to my mind, it's very good to learn these things.
Nice new word, it's amazing the study of language, the form that we can mix words and has a new different word, we learn new thinks everyday.
Karol said…
Every day we learn new vocabulary, I find it interesting how one word can have two different meaning.
Lingner Serena said…
Definitely, English is interesting, there are many things that perhaps at first glance do not have a logic but if you analyze them in the background you discover their history!

-Lingner Quintanilla D.
I've seen this kind of words before! The first one that I learnt was "sitcom" which is a combination of situation and comedy. Another word that I once read in a reading exercise was "staycation" which is stay + vacation. It's fascinating how we can blend two words in order to create new ones!
Adriana Barzola said…
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I definitey liked this post. From my point of view, blending is another demonstration of how rich and innovative language can be.
I had seen some others combinations of words such as workaholic (work + alcoholic), stan (stalker + fan), smog (smoke + fog, etc., and I consider they all sound great and are really important when it comes to mastering the language.
Unknown said…
It is very interesting to know the existence of that word and it's important meaning, it is also very important to know the meaning of these combined words as it helps us expand our vocabulary and better understand the language.
Anonymous said…
Domenica Sánchez P.

How interesting this topic! It is very important information to know. I would like to know more words and this learn better about this topic.
Ginger Rocafuerte said…
It is very interesting to know the existence of that word and it's important meaning, it is also very important to know the meaning of these combined words as it helps us expand our vocabulary and better understand the language.
Adriana Barzola said…
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Adriana Barzola said…
I think that is something good that there are pares like the that help us understand a New topic like this. I found it very interesting and is very important to know more about the correcto meaning of Woods and expressions
Anonymous said…

I think it is very important information that we must learn. Combine 2 words and form a different meaning. It is a topic that I would like to learn more about this information.
Johanna Arteaga said…
I have the impression that it must also be necessary to have a minimum knowledge of the meaning of those words before blending so that the new terms have some ease of understanding. I think it's interesting how words are versatile at that point and people have that creative quality to use them in this way in order to create new concepts.
Unknown said…
I always say, that we never finish to learn, because every day learn something different in this case the word infomercial and brunch, very interesting now to continue increase our vocabulary, to express ourselves better in new conversations.
Samuel Macías said…
This post is very interesting and educational because we learn about word combinations to create a new word. A not very shared but important topic, the language can be changed depending on the context and we also need to change.
Karla Alvarez said…
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Marilyn Gaibor said…
Name: Marilyn Gaibor
This topic is interesting, I didn't know the meaning of Portmanteau , and I had never heard about it. Now, I was researching and I find out that the word "emoticon" that we use daily, is a Portmanteau, of the words emotion plus icon.
Cynthia Rizzo Paguay said…
I didn't know about this, but I like the combination between two words. I think this is very useful in our life because we can have a short conversation with our friends. I like to learn new things every day.
Sandy Moreira said…
Sandy Moreira
I like how we can combine the words to form a new word with a different meaning. I think it is very interesting to learn this topic, as it will help us to expand new vocabularies in a correct and easy way.
It’s so interesting how the words can be form. I haven’t seen this words before, the amount of information that remains to be learned is incredible, the language is broad and we are learning everyday.
Karla Alvarez said…
It's amazing how language works. It's known that language doesn't have a unique form, it is creative instead and this is a proof of that. I didn't know about this topic, but now I'm really curious about it and I'll surf the web to look it up!

-Karla Alvarez Cercado
Diana Puglla said…
Is interesting and educational because we learn about words combinations to create a new words. I haven't seen this words before, but is amazing to learn the language every day.
Wow! I really like it this post. Is very creative to make this kind of mixes. This idea will be great for marketing, i think.
Unknown said…
That's a very interesting fact, I am very happy to know that there are several jargons around the world, I really believe that we never stop learning... This was useful information; I'm sure we'll soon learn a bit more about the colloquial language used in the US.
Carolina Sánchez Aráuz
Ginger Alvia Gonzalez said…
Wow, it's pretty interesting!! To know how other words can be formed by the words that we already know and that can be useful. Great!!
Unknown said…
I'm very surprised *
Alejandra Del Valle said…
Honestly, I recognize this word-formation by the name of "Blending". Portmanteau it's new to me, and it shouldn't since I'm a French learner. But hey! It's never too late to learn. Some other examples I know are spork: spoon and fork and my favorite: pokémon: pocket monster. How was I supposed to know it meant pocket monster?
Nayseth Acosta said…
it is very interesting because we can noticed that exists words that are formed by other words and this combined words sometimes have differents meanings

Anonymous said…
Erazo Cornejo Evelyn:
I did not know about this word but I have seen many words like that, such as malware which is the union between malicious and software, or science and fiction which together is sci-fi. It is enriching to learn something new every day.
Very interesting information. It is amazing how we can combine two words and turning into one. Languages have evolved in an unique way and everyday we learn something new.
Andreina Castro Yagual
Cynthia Ramón Casal said…
I knew this one before, however I always find it curious how languages take something from another and then pronounce it according to their own sounds, changing even the meaning, because porte-manteau in french is a coat rack.
This comment has been removed by the author.
Really interesting!
I'm learning so much, it's incredible how a blending can change the meaning.
Wow! I have realized that you can't stop the language and you can't limite it. Because the language can create something new, a new word, a new meaning, a new phrase. It is like the language is alive, and it is, because people use it in their every-day life.
I have heard some of those blending words and I use a lot the word "hungry", because I often feel like that.

-Zamora Parra Anthony.
Eunice Rosado said…
It is very interesting to know how two words can be combined into one and to think that they form something totally different meaning than the two original words, I had knowledge about this topic, but I would like to know even more.
I have seen the word brunch but I didn't know how it was composed. and I already know it. Good information.
Jenny Vega Luna said…
It is incredible how it can take two words to form one and how it can be translated into Spanish at the same time and some words can´t be.
oh, well.that's cool. I think that its a way we can enrich our vocabulary, its very important to learn words like this, especially if there are popular expressions with this kind of union.
-angela melissa fierro cauja
It was so mindblowing for me that it actually exits a word for the food you eat between breakfast and lunch time. From my perspective, blending has become more popular now because of new terms technology is bringing and the faster way we try to call things and we think of them.
<Joseline Villena
Unknown said…
It was so mindblowing for me. That is a good way to learn more vocabulary. It is incredible to see how two words can turn into just one. Everyday is the right day to learn even much more. I’m so excited!
Briggitte Vera said…
Another word to my vocabulary! It's awesome how in language can blending words and create news ones.. That is the reason language evolves.
Michelle Reyes said…
We can always learn something new, and how to combine words I would like to learn new words and thus be able to use them.
Unknown said…
It's incredible know this new information and this help us to know more vocabulary and improve our knowledge about this.
Diana Zuñiga salazar said…
Honestly, this information is something new for me but I like to learn new things. I was reading some comments and I agree with many of them. We are constantly updating in the world and every day we must learn from it, in the case of languages, everywhere new words are created or invented, new ways of saying things and that these are seen in a good way to facilitate even the use of language.

Diana Zuñiga
Cinthya Castro said…
I didn't know about this, I think it's interesting.
María Diaz said…
How interesting! It's so cool to know that this kind of words exist, now I wonder what words I usually use are a portmanteau I'm definitely going to look for more examples of portmant.
Angie Rodriguez said…
Angie Rodriguez Carbo
The combination of words that helps us make our language more relevant every day.
I did not know the meaning of Portmanteau, but now that I know the meaning, I will use it.

Miguel Castillo said…
I just found that portmanteau is the combination of two French words, porter and manteau, and its meaning is the same as in the English.
Carlos León Moran said…
It is always good to learn new things, it is incredible to see how the language advances and the interesting thing is that these types of combinations are used daily in any language, for example, Guayaquil, as it is there, is the combination of the words Guayas and Quil.
Genesis Araujo Ortega said…
Nice to know it! Now I can use words that I already know to form new words. I think a language is about that, creation.
Ariel López López said…
Compounds words always surprise me, especially in English. There is so many ways to create new words,that you will always have something to learn.
Sadith Melgar said…
Absolutely incredible! I didn't know about this word. And it's great to know an example is our city.
Naomi Campuzano said…
I think it is a good use of words, creating another meaning to create a new concept makes the language evolve and people can learn it to communicate better.
Gerson Valarezo said…
It is interesting to know these terms because they are not very common or are not heard every day, so knowing these terms helps to improve our vocabulary.
Blanca Landivar said…
I think it is very interesting because language exists to communicate and although it has rules that we must follow .. If the union of words into one can communicate and transmit an idea .. For me it is very good.
Unknown said…
Diana Tinizhañay
Wow! Really, I have found it so interesting. I haven't known that there are this kind
of words in Englhish. It makes faster comunication.
Katherine Cabezas said…
I find this information appealing. Actually, I've never heard of this word before but I knew about the combination of two words. Plus, I think it could be "acrónimo" in spanish.
I found it very interesting how they can form new words based on others.
Melannie Pinos said…
I find wonderful how we can create new words just combining two existing words too, and how those new words have a complete different meaning. This show uw that language wil be aways richful an changing, so we can never stop learning.
Fabio Romero Patiño said…
Pretty interesting...
I didn't know about the meaning of that word. And didn't think I would ever learn about it LMAO.
It is very curious that we can combine two words and transform them into one. Languages are changing every time whether in British English or American English, parender something new so linguistic is important
Evelin Arellano said…
It's very interesting to know this, as a students we have to know and learn many words that come from two words to make a new word and give a different meaning or also to give a better meaning. Is't interesting the word Guayaquil because according to the history came from Guayas and Quil, two words that are differents but when they are blending the meaning is just one word and it is a name of the city in Ecuador.
Anonymous said…
Twenty-two years believing that only Spanish speakers use compound words.
Alejandra Coronel Guzhñay said…
Twenty-two years believing that only Spanish speakers use compound words.

Alejandra Coronel
Mayrene Pin said…
This term is new to me because is the first time I have heard it, is interesting how two words can form another.
Ericka Zambrano said…
No doubts! Languages is one the best evidence of the evolution of mankind, it's really interesting how words can be composed.

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