How do you say FÚLMINE in English?

The word FÚLMINE used here is actually a name. FÚLMINE is a character created by Guillermo Divito (1914-1969), an Argentinian cartoonist. FÚLMINE was a bad-luck bringer though nothing bad happened to him but to those he talked to. If something good happened to one character it was bad news if FÚLMINE was around. Whatever good happened the opposite was bound to occur once FÚLMINE left.
The character became somewhat popular in Latin America and in Ecuador the character's name is commonly associated to those who are believed to bring bad luck. Public figures are favorite targets of this misplaced action. Not long ago the current Ecuadorian president attended a soccer match to see his favorite soccer team play. Needless to say his team lost as it happened the last time the president attended a previous match. This team's fans "figured out" that the president was a FÚLMINE,  a belief that with good humor the president himself decided to share so he stopped attending these matches though there is no real proof his mere presence causes his favorite team to lose a match.
Is there a similar word in English?
There are actually some, but the one most commonly used is JINX.
Are you a JINX? 


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