One word that Spanish has but English does not

"I'm not SENDO, only huge!"

There are in fact several words that only exist in Spanish (the same could be said about English).

One of those words is SENDO, an adjective that only exists in Spanish.

It means “one for each one of the persons or things mentioned”. For example, if you say: “Les enseñaron tres casas con sendos jardines,” it means: “They showed them three houses, each with its own garden.” 

As you can see, SENDO is in plural form. That happens because in Spanish adjectives have plural forms and also change according to the gender of the noun they refer to, In other words, there is the word SENDO, but also SENDA, SENDOS, and SENDAS.

In most Latin American countries (where Spanish is also spoken) this word is rarely used, and in some, it is used with a different meaning. In those countries, SENDO means HUGE or SHOCKING.


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