How do you say GRANIZADO in English?

For one of those super hot afternoons!

A GRANIZADO is an iced soft drink which initially was prepared with lemons or oranges but these days you can use pretty much any soft drink. In fact in some countries there are GRANIZADOS  made of coffee.
All you need to prepare a GRANIZADO is crushed ice and a non-alcoholic beverage. In Guayaquil you can find GRANIZADOS everywhere, especially in our hot sultry afternoons. There are street vendors who go up and down the streets selling GRANIZADOS which are prepared with crushed ice and flavored drinks such as mint, strawberry, also fruit juice and even sodas. If the GRANIZADO is prepared with Mint or Strawberry liquor, you can even ask  your GRANIZADO to be topped by sweetened condensed milk. All depends on what the customer wants. 
It is called Raspado de Granada or Granita in Spain, just Raspado in Mexico, and even Piragua in Dominican Republic. In Ecuador it remains just GRANIZADO and in English it would be SLUSH. Do not confuse with Smoothies which demand the use of a blender to be prepared.


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