What is WISTFUL in Spanish?


"Ok, I'll call this Yoga by the Window."

Have you ever felt nostalgic and missed something from your past? Then you were WISTFUL at the time. WISTFUL is a synonym of Nostalgic and a good antonym would be perhaps Unsentimental.

It is not difficult to translate this word into Spanish: NOSTÁLGICO, MELANCÓLICO or PESAROSO are all good options.


Manuel Erazo said…
Then I always feel wistful.
In fact, right now is a good time to feel wistful. We're going through the last stage of college life. Although the graduation seems a little further than expected, I'm sure time will fly as usual, and then it will be the end of this phase. And that end will open new doors and windows to many situations that will make the women and men that this world deserve. The educators that this country needs. It is good to feel wistful since it's a rewarding pat in the back that reminds us we've done it right even when we wronged. Everything has a reason and I'm sure that all this journey, which was sometimes uncertain for some of us, was not in vain.
Luis Bermudes said…
True, in fact it's never in vain.

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