What is a VALENTINE in Spanish?

"Don't have one... Ask me again in 2023, please."

      The answer is nothing. To call or consider someone our Valentine is not something we do over Latin America. 

     We do offer presents and gifts to our beloved ones, but we do not assign them any specific term.

      A similar thing is a game called El Amigo Secreto (Secret Santa), but for that, you need to keep your identity concealed until the moment you deliver your present onto your friend's hands. It is only then that you reveal your identity to your friend. so it's not really the same idea!

     In any case, in both English and Spanish speaking countries this is not a holiday, but some sort of tradition that gives us the perfect excuse to give away presents to people who are special to us.

    Happy Valentine!




Unknown said…
How to say Valentine's Day in Spanish
There are three main ways of saying Valentine's Day in Spanish. The most common way, which is a direct translation, is el Día de San Valentín. Another way is el Día de los Enamorados (which means something like "Day of those who have fallen in love"), and in some countries el Día del amor y la amistad (Day of Love and Friendship) is used.
elissreyes15 said…
It is not very common to call your valentine in Latin America, but every time we advance with technology, traditional dates become more viral in the media and Spanish-speaking people are beginning to adopt these traditions as information travels from one place to another and We already see many people celebrating this day in our country as Valentine's Day and we see that trade is advancing we also see everywhere details or Valentine's gifts dedications for this special person
Yes, in Latin America we do not have that tradition since it is about assigning a specific person the name Valentine. Instead, the focus is on offering presents and gifts to our loved ones without assigning them a specific term.
Nicole Chamba said…
In Latin American countries we have a few terms to say this day for example DIA DE LOS ENAMORADOS or FELIZ SAN VALENTÍN. Anyway, either one or another we refer to the same.

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