
Showing posts from 2021

Is Spanish hard?

Este esqueleto es de uno que nunca aprendió español. W hy does it have to be difficult at all? Is there any valid reason? Learning a language is one of the easiest things to do. There are, of course, things that Spanish has that other languages ​​do not have. But that is what's fascinating about the whole thing. Learning Spanish is like embarking on a journey to an unknown country full of secrets and fascinating findings. This is a journey just for you and the first big hurdle is your decision to deny yourself this opportunity with silly excuses. Don't do it, don't deny yourself this chance to grow as a person and as a citizen of this world, and just say to yourself: "I can do this because Spanish is easy!"

¿Es difícil aprender Inglés?

It's time for you to start learning English.   ¿ P or qué tiene que ser difícil? ¿Hay alguna razón para ello? El Inglés no es difícil como no lo son muchos otros idiomas. Hay, por supuesto, cosas que el Inglés tiene y que no tienen otros lenguajes.  Pero ahí está lo fascinante de todo esto. Aprender Inglés es como emprender un viaje hacia un país desconocido lleno de secretos y hallazgos fascinantes esperando por nosotros. Este es un viaje solo para usted y el primer gran obstáculo es su decisión de negarse esta oportunidad con excusas tontas. No lo haga, no se niegue esta oportunidad de crecer como persona y como ciudadano de este mundo y solo digase a sí mismo: "¡Yo puedo hacerlo porque el Inglés es fácil!"

What is PARENTING in Spanish?

  "Ok, this is your list of things to do while mommy and daddy are away at their party, ok?"  PARENTING is PATERNIDAD? Yes and no. PATERNIDAD is really closer in meaning to Fatherhood or Paternity just like MATERNIDAD is Motherhood or Maternity. PARENTING is really both PATERNIDAD and MATERNIDAD. The term PARENTING is the raising of a child by both its parents or one of them. In Spanish, if that act is performed by a man is PATERNIDAD and if performed by a woman is called MATERNIDAD.  A term that is neuter just like PARENTING is doesn't exist in Spanish which is why perhaps the most appropriate translation is CRIANZA.

What is a MAGNET SCHOOL in Spanish?

"And the principal of this school is called Eric Magnus a.k.a. Magneto!"  MAGNET SCHOOLS are specialized schools and like any regular school, there are elementary, middle, and high levels. These are educational institutions that focus on only one area of interest such as Mathematics and Physics or Biology and Chemistry, though some of them tend to cover more general contents such as International Baccalaureate schools. MAGNET SCHOOLS tend to have a hands-on approach in terms that their programs emphasize more practice than theory. Though the idea of MAGNET SCHOOLS exists in other countries, there is not a real translation of the term. It could be called ESCUELA IMÁN, but personally, I have never heard that expression before. Perhaps, ESCUELA ESPECIALIZADA would be a better option.  

How do you say SOROCHE in English?

"I told you I had only climbed Cerro Santa Ana before, but that's a hill, not a mountain!" SOROCHE is not a common word in Spanish, and it is only used in most Andean countries such as Ecuador, Perú, or Bolivia, though it is not as common in Chile, another Andean country. It is apparently a word taken from the Quechua, the language of the Incas, and used to refer to what we simply know as Mal de Montaña or Mal de Altura. That is precisely its translation in English: MOUNTAIN SICKNESS with ALTITUDE SICKNESS as a good alternative. What is MOUNTAIN SICKNESS exactly then? Basically, it happens if you expose yourself to high-elevation environments, low oxygen may cause breathing problems, disorientation, dizziness, headaches among several other symptoms. You may experience some discomfort or all the conditions mentioned before, it is different for every person. Best thing to do? Don't take unnecessary risks and visit the seaside.

What is a MAIDEN VOYAGE in Spanish?

Can you call it a MAIDEN VOYAGE without real maidens inside? Well, if you were considering Viaje de Doncella , that certainly is a no-no.  Of course, the translation is correct, but it is not what we say in Spanish.  Is there a specific expression as in English? Not really, we only say VIAJE INAUGURAL or just PRIMER VIAJE.  Another thing, in Spanish we never use the pronoun SHE to refer to vehicles such as cars or ships, they are objects (despite the affection we may feel for them), not people.  What we do share is the custom of naming ships with feminine names. Understandable, they are beautiful after all, just like all women are.  

Can you say AISLAN in English?

 Oh, yes, definitely you can.  Especially, if you mean to say  the name of this country: So AISLAN is an AILAN? That country is called ICELAND, pronounced AISLAN in Spanish. To say ICELAND when you mean ISLAND is a common, but understandable and therefore predictable, mistake that Spanish speakers make when learning English.  It is better not to forget how to pronounce each word correctly so as to avoid awkward situations such as when you mention that The Galapagos are a group of ICELANDS!  

How do you say HOJA DE CÁLCULO in English?

All these numbers and's like another language in itself, don't you think? T his is another example of what we know of False Cognates only the opposite way.  We know Hoja (Sheet) De (Of) and Cálculo (Calculation), but the sum of all those words: Sheet of Calculation is definitely not the right translation of HOJA DE CÁLCULO.  The right term is SPREADSHEET.  Practical, right? One word instead of three. Why in Spanish do we say the HOJA DE CÁLCULO? Well, because that is what is intended for: to make calculations. So, in Spanish, the purpose is clearly stated in the name.  Does SPREADSHEET do the same? I don't think so: Translation, more often than not, requires a deep understanding of the language and the culture that is connected to it.

What is WISTFUL in Spanish?

  "Ok, I'll call this Yoga by the Window." Have you ever felt nostalgic and missed something from your past? Then you were WISTFUL at the time. WISTFUL is a synonym of Nostalgic and a good antonym would be perhaps Unsentimental. It is not difficult to translate this word into Spanish: NOSTÁLGICO, MELANCÓLICO or PESAROSO are all good options.

Consejos para Aprender Inglés (15): Lleve un Registro de sus Avances.

     " Ok, mhhh...ei, bi, ci, di, i, ef, yi, eich, ai, yei, kei, el , em , en..."     U na manera más de apoyar su aprendizaje dei idioma Inglés es crear un registro de lo que está aprendiendo o de lo que va descubriendo acerca de este idioma. Esto puede ser hecho de forma escrita y para ello requerirá cuando menos de una libreta y una pluma. Así de simple. Comience poniendo una fecha estilo y luego escriba cosas que ha aprendido, frases que recuerda, momentos especificos de la clase o de palabras en Inglés que siempre han estado ahí pero a las que no había prestado atención hasta ahora.       S i va a escribir palabras nuevas que aprendió uselas siempre en contexto, esto es en una oración que refleje claramente el significado de lo aprendido. Ahora bien, no es necesario que usted escriba solamente, también  puede grabar videos en los que usted aparece diciendo cosas, pronunciando palabras, o simplemente leyendo la letra de una canción...

Consejos para Aprender Inglés (14): Aprenda Trabalenguas

Ok, here is my tongue. Now, how do I twist it?     Y a antes en este blog se ha hablado de la importancia  de cantar en inglés para mejorar la pronunciación y ganar fluidez en este idioma, sin embargo, no es ese el único recurso, pues hay otros y uno de esos otros es el aprender los conocidos Trabalenguas.    E n el idioma Inglés hay muchos, pero lo mejor es siempre aprender los más conocidos y populares. Ciertamente saber un trabalenguas es una trivialidad en sí misma, pero ayuda mucho no sólo a ganar fluidez sino también a ganar confianza de que podemos realizar peqeuñas para las cuales nosotros consideramos se debe tener cierto nivel cuando en realidad se las puede tener en cualquier momento: sólo falta voluntad.     Entre los trabalenguas más conocidos están: Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers. Betty Botter bought some butter.   How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?  She ...

How do you say ROSCA DE REYES in English?

  A Lousiana KINGCAKE looks a bit different from Latin American KINGCAKES. Yes, ROSCA DE REYES, at least in the state of Lousiana is called KINGCAKE or KING CAKE. This is a tradition usually observed among Catholics who in the United States are commonly French descendants mostly living in Lousiana, or Latin Americans.  They all share this tradition, but there is a substantial difference: the decoration. Traditional Lousiana KINGCAKES emphasize the presence of the following colors:  purple  that symbolizes justice, the  green  that symbolizes faith, and the  gold  that symbolizes power. Latin American KINGCAKES tend to look different, and if any, the colors associated are red and green . a Latin American KINGCAKE. KINGCAKE or KING CAKE are not the only terms to describe this delicious example of pastry. THREE KINGS' CAKE, KING'S CAKE or CROWN CAKE are also possible, and of course there are those who just call it by their original Spanish name (of ...