The Avengers!

Seen it already. I must admit I was expecting yet another disappointment since the translation from comics to film is always difficult, especially when you have several characters to deal with and this was a movie about a team of superheroes. Now that I've seen it the only thing I can say is...

The highest point is the dialogues which showed the great dedication of the writers in order to understand these characters and project to the public who they really are. Character development is usually a flaw in this type of movies but not a problem here because this is actually part six (or seven) of a series that began with Iron Man 1, so if you have seen the previous films you already know where they stand. 
As I said I was afraid it wouldn't turn out so well but the fact it didn't proves that if you choose people who really care and actually know the characters, the translation to the big screen will be a successful one. Here the merit has a name and that is Josh Whedon (yep, the creator of Buffy, Vampire Slayer) who has also written stories for the X-Men. The Marvel universe is then not unfamiliar to Whedon, and that's another good decision Marvel made when they hired him. I hope he stays for the next film.
If you have the chance, go see it. The only problem I found is that it's not a good point to jump in if you haven't seen Iron Man 1 n 2, Hulk 2, Thor and The First Avenger. And if you're not a real fan you'll never understand who Loki's associates really are, especially the villain in Avengers 2. I knew he'd appear after the end credits and now that I know who he is, well let's just say the Avengers all together are definitely no match for him.

That is no other than Thanos, Darkseid's (from DC comics) rip off. Thanos has proved to be a deadly enemy, not only for the Avengers but for the entire Marvel universe. Might alone is not enough to defeat him, you have to outsmart him, have a flawless strategy otherwise your loss is secured. So I very much wonder, what do they have in store for the next installment. Only time will tell.


Lex Guerrero said…
The Avengers is now between my ten favorite movies of all times, just behind pirats of caribeans and spiderman. I loved the movie. It make me laught, make feel excited, and awesomed. I thing you´r right, to make this movie,first Marvel needed to indroduce to us the main heros by separated; that´s why, like you said, if you did´t see iron man, Hulk, Thor, and Captain America, you won´t undersand the movie.the most important movies was Thor, because it tells you about him and his half brother(lucky, the bad guy), and captain america, that tells you about the tesseract.
I hate when people ask why does spiderman didn´t appear in the avengers. I think they don't know that the avengers is taken from the comics and originaly spiderman does not form part from the avenger. the comics were written by 1960s and is in 2005 that spiderman enters in the avengers.

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