HAL9000: A Cold-blooded Killer

A forgotten villain, and also the inspiration of Skynet, the self-aware computer of the Terminator series. HAL9000 is older than the sentient machines of Matrix and perhaps the coldest killer depicted in any science fiction film. It kills the entire crew of the spaceship that is being used to investigate a mystery in space and it does it saying they could jeopardize their mission (to locate a strange black monolith in the solar system, a piece that could be of alien procedence). One man survives and manages to overcome the machine's attempts to murder him and resets its memory. He then finds the monolith and discovers the object has the power to somehow boost evolution. This all happens in 2001: A Space Odyssey, a film directed by the legendary Stanley Kubrick and based on the work of Arthur C. Clarke. The movie ends with the protagonist, whose name is David Bowman, being transformed by the monolith into a new, apparently superior being.


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