English vs Spanish: Doomsday

In Spanish we say EL FIN DE LOS DIAS o EL DIA DEL JUICIO FINAL to indicate the end of the world as we know it. In English the first is THE END OF DAYS and the other is JUDGMENT DAY. In Spanish there is another word to indicate the same and that is APOCALIPSIS which is APOCALYPSE in English. By the way, the last book in the Bible is usually called Apocalipsis in Spanish but in English is known as Revelations.
Besides the ones mentioned above, there are no many more words in Spanish to describe that "special" day. Nevertheless, in English there is another: DOOMSDAY. There is no real equivalent of this word in Spanish and that is why is translated as EL DIA DEL JUICIO FINAL just like Judgment Day. A more faithful translation would be Día de la Perdición, but that is perhaps too literal. 
RAGNAROK is mentioned also. Actually, that word is taken from the old Norse mythology and should be understood as the Twilight of the Gods. Since the English culture takes heavily from the Viking culture is then logical that they use some of their terms as it is the case of the Ragnarok word.     
Occasionally even Twilight is used since it means that imprecise moment betwen the remains of the day and a long night. 


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