Is Ultimate Ultimo?

                                 "I'm the Ultimate Muscled Man! So many muscles I can't move."

     ULTIMATE is not ULTIMO. LAST is, but not ULTIMATE. Though sometimes it is translated as ULTIMO (to mean the most recent), it never means "the one after which there is not another". For instance, we say: "the last episode" of a series and not "the ultimate episode". 
ULTIMATE is generally used to indicate something is conclusive or the best as in "the ultimate guide to tablets" indicating that there is no better source to get data on tablets than that one.
ULTIMATE may also indicate that something is so good in what it does that it cannot be overcome or defeated as it is the case of the man in the picture, a wrestler called The Ultimate Warrior, famous in the eighties and nineties and who was quite hard to defeat indeed. 
So whenever you are preparing something if it´s really good you can declare yours is: "the ULTIMATE BBQ" for example, or if an invention of yours could potentially change the course of History you would call it "the ULTIMATE ..."



Manuel Erazo said…
To be honest, I did know about the second meaning related to warriors or fights. The first meaning or use, it is good to know it, but personally I don't like to use it, it sounds odd for me in that context. Perhaps, I might use it for food.
This term may be a subject of confusion among students because its morphology resembles a word in Spanish, therefore we tend to relate them although they are not related in meaning as you just explained.
There's an expression that uses this word: "Ultimate fist bump", and at first I didn't understand the function of "ultimate" in that expression. Now I know that it refers to the "best" fist bump.
Cynthia Ramón Casal said…
This is not the first time I've seen this word, though it's the first time that I read about the wrestler. Personally, I've used 'ultimate' to highlight something that I considered deeply remarkable because it can give that hit when explaining what it's about and it might even convince someone that it's something out of the ordinary.
Carlos León Moran said…
I knew the difference between last and ultimate, but I was not clear about the meaning and how to use ultimate correctly. To be honest, I rarely use ultimate, but I will try to use it more often from today.
Ginger Nicole Alvia González said…
I knew them, but I do not use the term ultimate. I've read it in some books or magazines and in that way I learned its meaning.
Mendoza Párraga Martha said…
very interesting information, I have heard this word before but it is good to know the context of the words.
Maybe, it could be confusing, but when you read the Word in context, sure, you could understand what means. Good information!!
Briggitte Vera said…
I knew that "ultimate" didn't mean "último". However, I didn't know how I can use it. It's a valuable information!

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