English vs Spanish: Second Last Name

There is no second last name in English. Or there is but it is never used. That explains Last Names are called that way: because they are Last. Let's see an example:
John Fitzgerald Kennedy
John is the First Name (because it comes first), Fitzgerald the Middle Name (because it's in the middle) and Kennedy is the Last Name (by now you know why).  In Spanish the tradition demands to use our mothers' last name as well so for example I am:
Luis Humberto Bermudes Rugel 
So Luis is my First Name, Humberto is my Middle Name, Bermudes is my Last Name and Rugel is my Second Last Name. What's the problem then? There is no problem with only two names. In both languages we understand one is the First Name and the other is the Last Name such as in Abraham Lincoln or Eloy Alfaro. The problem occurs when we use our three names, a common practice in English such as Franklin Delano Roosevelt which is also Franklin D. Roosevelt. In Spanish many people do what Mario Vargas Llosa  or Gabriel García Márquez do: we use our first names combined with both our last names. Vargas is not Mario's middle name and nor is García Gabriel's middle name either. Those are their last names (their FIRST last names), but the average native English speaker tends tp ignore this Latin American tradition. 
Have mistakes happened already? Oh, yes. During the USA 94 World Cup an Ecuadorian referee who always introduced himself as Elías Guerrero Wated, was always addressed as Elías G.Wated. Probably neither the Ecuadorian referee nor the U.S. organizers were aware of the situation created by using Mr. Guerrero's names that way and none will ever know since apparently there was no serious problem out of this. But for someone who know both cultures and travels regularly to English speaking countries the best thing to do is just use the first name and the last name ..                                    


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