TOEFL iBT prep course at Ecomundo

I recently led a TOEFL iBT training course for Ecomundo teachers along other teachers of schools such as Naciones Unidas, and Delfos. The course was offered by Librería Guayaquil who asked  Copei for qualified trainers for this workshop. This educational event ran from August 20th to 24th, five hours every day. We essentially covered the Reading and Writing sections of the test, but also saw the other two sections though briefly. It was marathonic but also a rewarding experience as it should be since most of the participants were seasoned teachers; meaning these teachers were very demanding. They wanted a quality course and that is what we gave them (Copei sent me and Librería Guayaquil provided all their technical resources). Thankfully , I had a co-trainer Ms. Vanessa Avellán, who was simply terrific. Now, Ecomundo has given the first step in the right direction foreseeing how much more important the TOEFL iBT will become in the future. I wonder how many other schools will do the same in the following months... 


sara said…
it is need to improve TOEFL Preparation for Pass this test.

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