How do you say DESPUES DE CRISTO in English?

Saying AFTER CHRIST would be the easy way out. 
In Spanish that is what we say since DESPUES DE CRISTO means AFTER CHRIST and that's the point: it is what us, Spanish speakers, say but in English they use a different expresion and that most commonly is A.D. 
Curiously A.D. is not an English expression because it comes from Latin. A.D. is obviously an acronym with the full expression being ANNO DOMINI. This means IN THE YEAR OF THE LORD clearly alluding to the occidental custom of using the birth of Jesus Christ as a divisory event that separates ancient from modern history.
Another difference is that unlike Spanish the placing of this expression is before but not after the year:  
Spanish -- 2013 D.C. 
English  -- A.D. 2013 (though people these days do it also the other way and is also common to see 2013 A.D.)
In order not to make any allusion to Christianity they have coined the acronym C.E. or Common Era so for example you could write:
2013 C.E. 
By the way, if you want to say BEFORE CHRIST (B.C.) in Spanish that is ANTES DE CRISTO (A.C.) so there are no cultural considerations to be made here.


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