Importance of the Word LAND

I know that Land is an important concept for several reasons with being the sustain of all nations and the place where people dwell among the chief reasons. But here we are not exploring that aspect in particular which is better left to the politicians who believe they know more about the land and how to administer its resources properly better than the most seasoned farmers out there.  I prefer to divert your attention to a more simplistic yet fascinating aspect of that word and that is its constant presence in the English names of so many countries, especially those sharing a common Celtic heritage. And those countries, and in some cases also regions or islands, are in no specific order:
GreenLAND (an extensive island that belongs to Denmark)
NewfoundLAND (name of a Canadian island)
The only exception to this group would be ThaiLAND which is in Asia and SwaziLAND in Africa. these two countries do not have any connection with the Celtic ancestry.
The word NetherLANDS is also an exception since it is always used in plural. The translation in Spanish is in that case PAISES BAJOS and not HOLANDA.
Is there a reason for this? You bet.
The problem is that instead of coming with a specific name the people of that time preferred a more simple approach and so England for example really means Land of the Eng, original name of the Anglos. Ireland literally is Land of the Ire and Scotland, Land of the Scots.
Can you see it now?
This makes me wonder: what if the English had arrived here beforethe Spaniards? Perhaps instead of being called Ecuador we would be the HotLANDs.


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