
To empower means to give power or confer authority to; to give some ability to do something; enable or permit. It is difficult to translate to Spanish for lack of a term that entirely reflects the meaning of that word, so most translators prefer to use the word "empoderar". Amazingly as it is  the RAE  already defines it as  "Calco del inglés to empower, que se emplea en textos de sociología política con el sentido de ‘conceder poder [a un colectivo desfavorecido socioeconómicamente] para que, mediante su autogestión, mejore sus condiciones de vida" .  Those collectives mentioned by the RAE might as well be Women, Indians or Afroamericans which are known to be relegated by the governments or society itself. Still when used in Spanish the word Empower sounds awkward. There is this feeling of uneasiness accompanied by the inevitable thought of "Can they not find a better word?" I´m not a hundred percent sure but perhaps Facultar could have been a far better choice than simply adapting Empowering the way it was done. Practical perhaps but not elegant at all.


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