Joseph: A resourceful apostle

Perhaps one of the most intelligent, and also fervent, apostles was Paul. Said to have been an enemy of the ancient Christians, he changed when the recently resurrected Jesus himself appeared before him, encounter that left him blind for three days and with a different mindset forever. He used to be called Saul and apparently a Roman citizen. In order to spread the gospel he traveled to Rome in a time when Christians were prosecuted. Still he managed to preach in the heart of the Roman empire and say the following words to people that were warrior-like and a bit bloodthirsty but apparently also very religious: "Now what you worship as something unknown I am going to proclaim to you. The God who made the world and everything in it is the Lord of heaven and earth and does not live in temples built by hands." ( Acts 17:24). What Paul meant was a an altar that existed in the city of Rome which was dedicated to the Unknown God. The Romans listened to Paul because they wouldn´t want to offend that god they didn´t know. This only proves that you can't do things without having a certain knowledege of the field you´re going to visit. Paul certainly knew what he was doing.



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