How do you say DIA DE LA RAZA in English?

"'s the burritos again..."

Christopher Columbus, who is known as Cristobal Colón in Spanish, was an Italian sailor, an ambitious and visionary one only that his vision was wrong. It is because of his efforts and endeavours that many of us literally exist and also because of him the world is the way it is.    
Is that good? Is that a blessing?
I can say I'm certainly happy to exist, but sometimes I wonder that if all the suffering, diseases and death that the Europeans of that time brought to this land. They came to conquer and to ransack and to impose their culture and ideas. Their arrival only bought doom to the nations already existing here who Europeans tried to erase from the map.
 I for one think that was price a little too high to pay.
It is for this reason that while Columbus's arrival is enough reason to commemorate and thank; in Ecuador that "celebration" is only a day to remember. So in the United States, October the 12th is called COLUMBUS DAY, but in Ecuador for a long time it has been called DIA DE LA RAZA


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