Atlantis: Have they Finally Found it?

Unlikely, really. We know that Atlantis existed thanks to Plato who made  a reference in his "Dialogues"probably written around 360 BC. The problem is that since it was only referred to him by someone else, Plato could not really provide an accurate location of Atlantis. What we know is that its patron god was Poseidon (so its culture was Greek-influenced), that it held an important naval empire that once threatened the city of Athens, that it disappeared overnight due to some unknown catastrophe, that it was a very old civilization (Plato said it existed 9,000 years before his time) and that wherever it was that was in front of the Pillars of Hercules.
Now those Pillars are for real. The northern pillar is known as the Rock of Gibraltar (in Gibraltar of course) and the one to the south is Jebel Musa in Morocco. Beyond them lies the Atlantic ocean which means a lot of territory. It it is still there chances of identifying it are very scarce. First of all, a lot of time has passed and especially undersea conditions tend to hide things easily in a matter of years. Second it is said Atlantis disappeared for some catastrophe which means probably there are no standing  edification or not one that can be easily identified.
If something has been found then that is most likely to be the rests of another civilization. Atlantis is likely to have existed but the means to locate it and explore what is left are still far from what we can do with today's technology. Then if Atlantis is ever to be discovered that is still a matter of time and great patience.


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