How do you say ESMOQUIN in English?

Apparently, there was a shortage of mannequins.

One thing is for sure: that word is not SMOKING
The reason why in Spanish we use the Spanish transcription of the word SMOKING as the name of that suit is a bit obscure.
What we know is that the British were among the first to wear this suit back in the XIX century and that they preferred to wear it when smoking which probably explains one of its many names, SMOKING JACKET. It is perhaps for this name that in Spanish we use the term ESMOQUIN (which is how we pronounce the word SMOKING).
It is also called DINNER JACKET these days, though its real name is TUXEDO or TUX for short. 
And where does that name come from? 
Well, the Americans must know since this evening outfit was first worn by the male members of an exclusive country club placed in Tuxedo Avenue somewhere in New York, apparently at some point in the 1890s.
So, ESMOQUIN  in Spanish but TUXEDO in English. Unlikely but in the end, so true.


Manuel Erazo said…
Good information. I learned that word when I watched a movie that is called Tux in which the main character is Jackie Chang.
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Interesting! I didn't know this term. Honestly, I've never used tuxedo, but I Will do.
Yes! Tuxedo! I learned both words, "tux" and "tuxedo" in the "Friends" series, years ago. But I didn't know why Tuxedo was the name for it. I really thought it was "Smoking" although it didn't make any sense without the background that you just provided. But I guess "smoking jacket" sounded better than "dinner jacket" or "special occasion suit" haha. Anyways, they don't even use that word, they use tuxedo instead, which is more difficult to recall, but it feels fancier to say.
Briggitte Vera said…
Great post!I haven't heard about it. I thought both spanish and english were the same
When I read the title, the first thing that came to my mind was 'The Tuxedo'-a movie starred by Jackie Chan-, and somehow, I began to think about many more movies and series where I've heard the term. It was new information the background behind it that you provided.
Thank you for the general information, I know the term for Esmoquin in English, but I didn't know how the Spanish word came to be.

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