English vs Spanish: Thursday

"When in Ecuador, I use Mjolnir to crush and then eat mighty crabs!"

Why is Thor important to the English language?
He is really important because it is with his name that they made up one of the days of the week and that is none other than Thursday which literally means Thor's Day (el Día de Thor).
Thor is not an invention of Marvel, the company that publishes Spiderman and also The X-Men. What they did is to take a figure of Norse mythology and made it more accessible to the minds of the audiences of the present time. 
In Norse mythology, Thor is indeed a god, the God of Thunder, a deity that the Vikings held in great esteem. When the Vikings invaded the North of Europe they also spread their culture and their beliefs and a reflection of that event is the names of some days in English. Thursday is Jueves in Spanish and thus here is another difference between English and Spanish since Jueves literally means the Day of  Jove (one of the many names the Greek god Zeus had).
In both cases whenever we say Jueves or Thursday we are using the names of gods from pagan traditions, an ironic aspect of our culture where Christianism is predominant. But that's the way we are.


Manuel Erazo said…
I consider myself a fan of myths especially Norse and Greek , I didn't know about it. I will do some extra research about it, and if you like theses myths you should read La Iliada and Odisea, or play all the videogames of God of War or watch the plenty of movies about theses myths, you're gonna love it.
Blanca Landivar said…
Is incredible.! I would never have imagined it ... and the reality is that I have studied a lot about mythology ... But what I must admit is the fact that based on what I have studied there are many festivals or activities that claim to be Christian and that they have origins in pagan customs.
MIGHTY CRABS, YES SIR! Old norse sounds intriguin, gutural and spiritual. Mjolnir is a new term for me and it's good to know that it is considered an English term nowadays.
I think we don't know much about humanity. The civilizations before ours and its traditions and breakthroughs remain in the deep ocean we haven't dived yet. An alien ocean, in fact. If i'm not wrong, Thor got his powers from the lightining. He is a semigod. Gods are not human. I find it riveting that many (if not all) past civilizations share one thing: extraterrestial contact.
Evelin Arellano said…
It's an interesting onformation.
Many customs that we've adopted have the origen pagan, and yeah it's a good point tell that it's a little ironic because most of the poeple practism the Christianism today.
Maybe they don't know the origen but what we can do? Those names are establish, now we can't change a day of the week. I think we call days as we learn when we were children.
This help us to increase our knowledge and it is enriching.
Ginger Nicole Alvia González said…
It's pretty interesting, I did not about that. I thought that days of week' names came from planets' name. Knowing that help to improve my general knowledge.
I really like Norse mythology, and as it says in the text, that is how we are! Always with different beliefs.and, in my opinion, everyone is free to believe in what they want.
I remember that in one of our classes we were explained about the origin of the names of the days and just Thor was mentioned. Thank you for recounting it once more.
I also think it’s a little ironic, haha.
Samuel Macías said…
Now I can't pronounce Thursday without thinking about Thor's day, really very interesting information about the history of these Viking gods. Thanks for the information
Juan Jesús said…
it is nice how mythology important is for the creation of language.
Briggitte Vera said…
I had to research what Mjolnir means haha. I've read about what days of week means, so I knew it, but in english. I don't know that it exists a different meaning in spanish. I'll have to do a new research
Mendoza Párraga Martha said…
I like mythology a lot but I don't know much about Nortic mythology so I'm going to investigate to find out what other interesting information I can find.
Johanna Arteaga said…
I always wondered where the name of Thursday came from in English but I never investigated it thoroughly, now it all makes sense.
I remembered that we saw this in class, thank you for remembering it back. Although, I keep wondering why I've never thought about where the days' names came from.
Love this post, I already read about the origin of the names of the week, but it is still nice to read it again. We can even hear about Vikings calling Thor and Odin in some other movies, such as "How to train you dragon"
Unknown said…
Dave Criollo

I like this post. I'm fanatical about Norse and Greek mythology. Sometimes I watch some videos related to them.
Ericka Zambrano said…
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Ericka Zambrano said…
We have already seen this topic in our literature class and since that moment I can't get out it from my head and stop thinking in Thor haahaha

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