How do you say Una LLuvia in English?

This one is a bit complicate because the word is and is not Rain. The problem with the term Rain is that in English it is mostly used as an Uncountable noun though it is also countable. In Spanish this noun is both countable and uncountable, e.g. if we say "La Lluvia cae implacablemente..." that would be: "Rain falls relentlessly..." In this case the term is used as an uncountable noun. If we say "Habrá lluvias en el Este" an English speaker would say: "There will be rain in the East" but not "There will be rains" or maybe "There will be showers in the East." 
The word Shower is perhaps closer in meaning to what we understand as Rain when used as an isolated event, that is una LLUVIA. A Downpour is usually more abundant and easily translates into AGUACERO.


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