April Fool´s Day

April Fool's Day is "observed" in most Anglo Saxon countries always on April 1st. 
It is not a holiday in any of those countries, however, there are ways to "celebrate" it.  The most usual way is by playing practical jokes on other people, or better said, on one another (the term practical joke indicates the joke is physical in nature and not written or verbal). After someone falls into that joke it is common that the one who created the joke shows up calling his or her victim: "April Fool!"
There is nothing certain on how the tradition originated but many believe it stems from some Roman festival (one of the many Romans had), a time when the common Roman, or plebeian, along with the high class, celebrated impersonating other people, or having fun according to their conception of what having fun was.
Spanish speaking countries have a similar tradition only on a different date: December 28th. It is called Día de Los Santos Inocentes. Though jokes are not so ellaborate as the April Fool's jokes still the custom of calling the victim something is the same. 
We say: "¡Pobre Inocente!"


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