Iron Man: Beyond Iron Man 3

Will there be an Iron Man 4? I very much doubt it. 
If there is it would be a mistake. Time and time again we have seen that a good story may need more than one installment to be told but not four or five. Very few characters have that potential. How many other characters besides James Bond do you know that have five or six films to tell his or her exploits?
Not many, right?
Characters such as Rambo or Indiana Jones are proof of that, And the thing is that actors age (and rapidly) but fictional people do not.
I´m not saying that Iron Man does not have that kind of potential but perhaps it is better to look at something else for him to do. 
What could be wrong with that? A fourth film would be perhaps more of the same and such a great character does not deaserve that.
All in all I´m looking forward to the next Iron Man movie but not only for the character but for what could be revealed during and after the movie.  
Are you not curious as well?


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