Teaching English Level 1

Who says teaching Level One (of any English program) is easy? 
Really, it is one of the most challenging things especially if you have zero beginners.
Zero beginners are a rarity since most students who decide to study English are not real beginners: they have already received some instruction in English either in kindergarten or in elementary schoool or just by being exposed to our own alienated culture. In other words, our level one students are usually false beginners. They already know some English and that gives teachers an advantage. Still with that advantage and  everything teaching level one is not a walk in the park. There are many indications to be made, advice to be given and the material taught has to be constantly reinforced because this level is fundamenta| for what is to come.
Imagine if you only had zero beginners in your class! In Ecuador it is uncommon to have a class full of zero beginners, but that surely would be a challenge, perhaps a good one. And as all good challenges teaching zero beginners might be a long difficult path, but a very rewarding one at that. 
In the picture, my COPEI A01 class at COPOL (Sat A.M.)


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