Conversations with my Students (8)

T: Hello class, today we'll talk about your next exam, the SPEAK test!
S1: The SPEAK test... what is that?
T: As the name clearly indicates it's an exam that measures your oral skills.
S1: Ah!
S2: What is the test date?
T: In two weeks.
S3: That's little time!
T: It's more than enough.
S4: No, teacher.We don't want that test.
T: It's a requirement.
S5: What can you tell us about the SPEAK test?
T: Well, it only lasts twenty minutes or so.
S6: That's a lot!
T: No, it isn't. The test will take place in the Computer lab.
S7: Will you be there?
T: No, another person will.
S8: Yeihhh!
T: Excuse me?
S8: Nothing, it's nothing!
T: Well, as I was will proceed to the lab. There will be a computer assigned to each one of you with a headset ready to use.
S9: A head what?
T: A headset...
S9: Chanfle!
T: Don't interrupt, please. You will hear and answer twelve questions. all you have to do is answer the question that you hear using the microphone that is part of the headset. For the most difficult questions you will have a preparation time.
S10: How long is that preparation time?
T: One minute or so, no more than that.
S10: Thank you!
T: Is there any question?
S11: Oh, yes...! I have one question...
T: Ok, tell me.
S11: Es que no entiendo, mister. ¿Digitamos o escribimos a mano la respuesta? (I don't understand, mister. Should we hand write or typewrite the answer?)


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