How do you say DIFUNTO in English?

I wonder if the late Tutankamon was ever late.
LATE is commonly known among English learners as the equivalent of TARDE, but it´s not the only meaning it has.
This word if used with a different function acquires a new meaning. As an adjective, LATE is a synonym of DECEASED; in other words, it is the translation of DIFUNTO as when someone says in Spanish “mi DIFUNTO padre” (my LATE father).
Saying something like: “The LATE James Jones left an immense fortune” would be “El DIFUNTO James Jones dejó una inmensa fortuna”. The sole difference, if any, lies in the fact that the term LATE can only function as either an adjective or an adverb but never as a noun. DIFUNTO in Spanish is not an adverb, but an adjective and also a noun.

To say something like: “¿Dónde está el DIFUNTO?” would not make sense in English. They would say: “Where’s the body?”


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