English is not a school subject.

                         Learning English is more similar to a bridge than a school subject.

I have never understood why we insist on teaching English as something it is not. It is not a school subject but a language, and as such, it is the same as a living being: it changes constantly because it was not meant to be motionless. School subjects have to respond to a series of parameters that restrict teachers and students to a classroom and to the opinions of people who spend their time inside offices, small universes that exist apart from the reality of a language that grows and gets richer every day. As a result, many important elements are forgotten along the way and one of them is that a language is a gateway to another culture(s). This detail is widely and usually neglected, but it's essential to understand a language in its real dimension. Since the very people who are in charge to do that are oblivious to that reality, English (or any other language for that matter) becomes a dull-looking tool. We know this tool is extremely important, but that's all and our students pretty much end up perceiving it that way as well. Just like any other school subject, just because we prefer the easy way around or, as in many cases, because there are teachers who lack the benefit of knowing the culture (happens quite often in Ecuador). Here is an example. we teach that Buenos días is Good morning, but that is not right. Good morning is the equivalent of Buenos días but not its faithful translation which is really Good days. Now no one explains that this happens because English represents the culture of people that say things differently, with a viewpoint that differs more often than not from ours, with traditions that might be similar but not the same as the ones we have. Good morning is really Buena mañana not Buenos días, and it makes sense. It's also a great starting point to explain that as much as our cultures are similar they also differ. Does that make it any less interesting? On the contrary, it makes our labor and that joyride that is learning a language even more fascinating. 


Manuel Erazo said…
That's most of English teachers do of any nationality, I've had excellent and international and natice teachers and any of them had explained that to me, if you ask me ,I may say that is not that necessary to teach the real translation of that word but to emphasize that any word, expression or anything are not the same from Spanish to English because if you do it, you promote students to translate everything in their minds , and students must only think in English, and learn everything in English if you want them to learn the language.
Marilyn Gaibor said…
I agree with this view. The subject of English in the Ecuadorian educational system is governed by parameters, which don't allow teachers to go deeper in the learning of the culture behind this language.
On my side, learning a new language is something fascinating and it's good that this text explains certain things that we are wrong to get a idea that English is not a school subject, but it is a language that will help us to progress in our life.
Miguel castillo said…
It is really impressive how people don't think about English as something important. It is as important as learn your mother tongue if you want to travel to the United States, you must know English and not only to comunicate but also to enjoy much more your experience of travelling.
María Diaz said…
From my point of view, everyone who is learning a foreign language should not only know the language, but also the culture of the country of the language they are learning. They should also be committed to continuous learning in order to keep up with current affairs and to be able to express themselves accordingly when dealing with someone from a different culture.
I think the people have their point of view, All depends of their demande, if the people only want to learn about culture or coustums , English language would be relaxed and funny, but if you would work as a teacher the english is important you trie to learn more of all labguage and grammar and also you have to teach people to no is possible transalte the same from spanish to English.
Ginger Morán said…
From my point of view, I think that just saying good morning is not bad, I would simply classify it as basic, common or a relaxed way of saying hello. Indeed, complementing said greeting would be more meaningful and would be ideal and even formal and of course greetings are expressed in different ways from a typical hello to a simple handshake and even other gestures. However, it is necessary to expand or enrich our vocabulary, as mentioned we are always on the move and thus constantly learning.
EAP 6-1
It is absolutely true, English is seen as one more subject, and they do not allow them to delve more about the real learning of it.
Mendoza Párraga Martha said…
I think it is a matter of perspective on how to learn because nowadays there are many methods to learn different languages but It should be indispensable not only to be able to communicate but also to learn about the culture, grammatical rules, etc.
Carlos León Moran said…
I think that many times, because it is only a subject, students and some teachers do not give it the importance it should have. That is why the explanation of the English language is not so good in some institutions, since the teachers prefer the easy way and do not go deeper into some subjects.
Johanna Arteaga said…
I'm not sure I agree with everything because I have had classes with some teachers who explained to me that it was necessary to understand a language from the point of view of the other culture, and in fact, this seems to be the new trend in language teaching. On the other hand, I think that when starting to learn a new language many things can be confusing, so it is important to keep the explanations as simple as possible as this can prevent students from feeling overwhelmed with the lessons.
I consider that thinking that English is nothing more than a subject that we are forced to study during our student process has made it undervalued.
In my opinion, now is when we should be more interested in learning more about this language, learning in an interactive way and not simply reproducing what teachers teach us within the classroom.
Ginger Nicole Alvia González said…
Languages have several curiosity things that we can learn everyday. This is one of the things that we can take as a interesting aspect of learning language. Sometimes, there are words that if we translate them, it's different from the original word. That makes us think.
I agree with your opinion about English as a school subject. In my experience, I know many students who become demotivated when asked about English as one of their subjects. In fact, there is a kind of rejection towards the language, even some hostility, and perhaps it is the result of a monotonous and a bit rusty language education.
It would be time for teachers to change their language teaching approach or methodologies to keep students interested and for them to see English as more than just a subject to pass.
I agree that English should not be considered a subject like any other. Likewise, I think that people, especially students, should understand the importance of English today, and dedicate some time to this language.
Definitely, I agree with your opinion about English is not a school subject. In fact, I found in some teachers' website the name'Language arts' to refer to teaching English. Educators must guide their students in the best way, talking about the teaching-learning process of English as a language that is always growing, improving, and changing.
Ortega Melanie said…
I totally agree with this point of view. English is more than a simple school subject; it is indeed a growing language, it provides a tons of culture for ones who speak it. That's why it must be incorporated as lifestyle, so not to see it as a compulsory way in school but also as an opportunity. English gives choices for future development, makes communicating between people easier and helps culture exchanges.

Briggitte Vera said…
You're absolutely right, English shouldn't be just a shool subject, as a language it has to offer to much.. TEacher has to be more conscious about that!
Eunice Rosado said…
I think this is very important to know. English cannot be learned in a classroom without being practiced or lived after it is over; That is why so many young people leave school without even knowing the basics of English.
Unknown said…
Dave Criollo
I agree with this, I have some many friends who said me that English is so boring, but for me it isn't. Any of my friends in the neighborhood thinks English is a door who drives them to another world.
I agree with you. English doesn't have to be considered as a subject. There's no way that besides all the time that has passed English is still taught as rules, instead of giving the students the real meaning of everything and let them process that information, internationalized them so they can play with the language instead of following a rule because them your not doing it well.
I'm really curious on how we can convince students that English is more than a subject because many of them hate it, thinking about it as difficult just as Math. I consider that we as teachers can contrinute if we show more realistic usage of the language.
Samuel Macías said…
I agree with you Mister Bermudez because we have many mistakes in our speaking and translating because we try to translate word by word and sometimes we don't know what we speak and the example you shared with us is a clear example to understand it. very interesting and thoughtful information.
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I think that English as a school subject has helped us so much to develop skill, but it's truth that it doesn't let to go deeper, for there English as a language maybe is better to learn, get knowledge and improve as a native learner.
Katherine Cabezas said…
I've never understood why many young people don't want to learn the English language, if almost everything around them leads them to it. Now I know it's because they don't like to learn rules. However, it is true that when we see or hear something we find enjoyable, then there is no struggle to learn it because we simply delight in that which pleases us and learning is acquired for fun.
Blanca Landivar said…
I fully agree with this information, English or any other language is acquired through culture and native use of the language, not from a grammatical approach.
Evelin Arellano said…
I think English is a gateway to know differet countries, people and so on.
We can't traslate everything exactly as in Spanish because some of the words that we translate the meaning in English are different that we think they are. So learn English is really an important tool for us because it help us when we want to get a job or travel.
Mayrene Pin said…
I totally agree, English is not a subject that is exercised with certain parameters, English is that open door to a different world, to a new culture, a new dialect. That is why teaching English in a classroom is boring, English is a lifestyle.
I believe that students nowadays are more aware that languages are more than just a school subject. They understand that is a door to the culture that the language carries. Mostly English, since we are every time more surrounded by it, socially speaking, which can be somehow a hook. However, there are aspects that the curriculum neglects that make teaching the language a dull activity, and this is where we should use culture as our backup plan. Cultural activities are proven to be engaging and enriching when well developed.
Janeth Cedeño said…
I agree with you,because teaching a language is more than just doing exercises, learning rules or vocabulary by heart .Teaching a language should be more focused on knowing the culture and all that the language implies. Because learning another language allows you to actually broaden your world.

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