Holy Relics (3): The Spear of Destiny

"One of the soldiers pierced his side with a lance, and immediately there came out blood and water."  (John 19-34)
This is perhaps the most mysterious of the three relics. It was the one that a Roman soldier, whose name was apparently Longinus, used to stab Jesus on one side to make sure he was dead. This was done to avoid breaking Jesus's legs to kill him once and for all and end his torture. Some people have speculated that Jesus was still alive and only apparently dead when he was stabbed by Longinus, and if this is true that would mean it was the spear what killed him not anything else. Does it make sense? Perhaps, it does. If Jesus truly was the son of God then kiliing him was not an easy task even if he was in human form then and even if he wished to die. All along the Bible it is hinted that God has the habit of "authorizing" things to happen, conferring unusual power to certain people or objects to carry on his will. This is what allowed Moses to summon the ten plagues upon Egypt, Samson to slay one thousand Philistines using only the jawbone of an ass or David to kill Goliath with a slingshot. Was the spear also given power to kill Jesus? Has that power ever been withdrawn? There are those who believe The Spear of Destiny exists in the present and is still as powerful as it was then and there when it was used by Longinus. 
The Spear of Destiny is called like that for a reason. If properly used it can alter the history of man and also murder anyone in its path despite numbers or position. Has this happened already and we are unawre of that|? How could we know? And also if it exists, who has the Spear these days and with what purpose? 
For all of us if the Lance of Longinus is used again that would be bad news. 
These objects, these holy relics have already fufilled the purpose for which they were created and using them for personal reasons would truly be a sin.


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