English is a redundant language.

"I got this T for just two dollar."

English is a redundant language just as much as Spanish is. There are plenty of examples, but here is one that concerns Spanish learners (Guayaquileans in particular). Street vendors often offer all sorts of objects from pencils to toy cars, from balloons to candy bars and all of them are (what a coincidence!) priced at one dollar and therefore offered at that price. Nevertheless, there are times when they ask for a higher price and then the following occurs: "¡Gafas a dos dólar!" they say. Of course, in Spanish that is a mistake. They should say: "¡Gafas a dos dólares! (Shades at only two dollars!). Now, here is the question: are those vendors really wrong? Is it really incorrect to say two dollar (or dos dólar for that matter)? Is it 2 not more than 1 and thus already a plural? Guayaquilean street vendors are usually partially illiterate so using the word dollar always in singular regardless of the number is something they figured out themselves just like many of the other language features we commonly deem as correct and use every day in our own language. 
Is that perhaps what the future will bring? 
You never know, after all the future is very much unwritten.


Manuel Erazo said…
I've heard that mistake many times, and as usual I heard it from illiterate people. The only thing that I want to say about the last part of the post is that we cannot allow these types of mistakes in order to avoid repeating them in future generations. On the contrary we must correct them of course nicely and explain them the reason why they shouldn't say that.
Unknown said…
Dave Criollo
I have heard many mistakes like this every day, even from my own family. It is somewhat disappointing to see something like that since Spanish is our native language and they cannot even speak it well.
Carlos León Moran said…
These mistakes are heard a lot, and not only with the word "dólares", but also when someone asked the time and some people say "son las 1 pm." For me, it is wrongly said, because 1 is singular, so it should be "es la 1 pm," but sometimes I am left with the doubt if it is well said or it was just a mistake of others.
Evelin Arellano said…
That's right, maybe in the future will hear more about these kind of things.
I think in French or Russian also there are things that are redundant as in Spanish or English but I think in Spanish there are more phrases that are redundant.
In Spanish some of the people ask "Qué horas son" but the correct form will be " Qué hora es" but I think the Ecuadorian people already undertand what you try to say. So, in some of cases you just have to talk and people will understand you at least that happens in Ecuador.
Mendoza Párraga Martha said…
I'm honestly not surprised to hear that kind of mistake, but I think that everything influences the family since it is the first school in schools should focus constantly on the correct learning of grammar and linguistics.
Johanna Arteaga said…
I have always found it curious how people adapt foreign words, especially those who are not very familiar with it. I think that leaving aside if the words are well used or not, this is how in the end a language evolves.
With regard to redundancy, it is something that is heard anywhere, even at home.
As for "sal afuera", I think that even though we speak Spanish, these mistakes are made, and they are heard a lot and everywhere.
Although we try to live in an updated world, it is the mistake I hear repeatedly from street vendors, neighbors and family members who haven’t had the opportunity to have a proper education. Sometimes there is no lack of desire to correct those mistakes, but we never know how the person can react and that’s why we prefer to remain silent.
Right, I've heard too. I think this lindo of people don't mind how they say because dólar and dólares maybe sound the same for them, but we don't have to let make that mistake, included ourselves.
Ginger Nicole Alvia González said…
Absolutely true. I've heard that most time when I go out with my mother. I just correct it in my mind since I know the correct way.
I've heard it so many times from neighbours, street vendors, even from mates. I've also heard 'las 1pm' or the contrary 'la 2pm'. Mankind really amazed me, I think the further we go in science and technology, the most we left behind.
I've heard thousands of times, not only for street vendors but also for some people in my family and even some neighbors. And it's a shame that even in our own language we can not speak well.
In my opinion, these errors in diction should be corrected in time, since the proper use of words allows effective communication between people.
If these errors become part of everyday life, I am sure that all the studies carried out so far on language would not have a greater purpose. Therefore, we must encourage the correct use of words when speaking or writing through continuous practice and good examples.
Briggitte Vera said…
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Briggitte Vera said…
Unfortunately, it's a common mistake. But, What can we do? Because most of them don't want to change it. Maybe they use these mistakes as advertising.
Mayrene Pin said…
I consider that in our language we use redundant words in many ways, I do not think that this should be criticized, or frowned upon, since it could be said it is like a colonial language. However, the new generation must be taught learn the distinction of these types of errors so that they avoid committing them.
Hey! Redundancy is something we cannot stay away from. It makes sense sometimes, though. And illiterate people are not the only ones doing it haha. Just like "enantes". We invented that term as a shorter way to say that something had happened earlier that day. It's a wrong way to say "en antes", which is also wrong. The right way would be "earlier" or "2 hours ago". Saying something more specific would be the solution but of course, Guayaquileans try to make everything easier and faster. Like do dolar.

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