Prometheus: A Generous God

Prometheus was a Greek Titan, to be more precise the son of another Titan, Iapetus and Clymene (who was one of the marine deities collectively called Oceanids). Unlike the other Titans that rebelled against the gods and Prometheus was in fact welcome in Olympus, home of the gods. It was while at Olympus and when Zeus was unaware, that Prometheus took the fire that only existed in that realm and gave it to mankind. He's believed to be the creator of man (not woman for Hephaestus did that) and is also described as the owner of great intelligence and thepossessor of the unique  ability to foresee the future. 
Were his acts for mankind acts of love? At least that's how it was perceived by ancient Greeks. Let's not forget that a titan was basically a god, perhaps more powerful than some of them. In other words this was the god that should have been worshipped by the Greeks and not Zeus who was more a tyrant ruler and cared very little for human beings.
For his "transgression" Prometheus was bound to suffer for an eternity until Zeus's predilect son, Heracles, came to the place of the torture and slayed the beast thus liberating Prometheus. Currently anbody who wants to portray generosity uses Prometheus's story. Now Hollywood intends to come back to the sci fi genre and the universe of the Alien xenomorphs. Ridley Scott, the director, has shot a movie that tells the story of a human expedition that goes to a distant planet to find out about an extinct race of aliens that probably created us and may also have the keys to our doom.
I'm already curious to see how all that will be connected to the mythos of the generous and crafty titan, though.


 to relive the myth of the visionary titan


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