Skyline: another invasion

I wonder how many fictional invasions Earth can stand, or to be more precise, the U.S. For some reason, Hollywood execs honestly believe that if our planet is ever invaded, those invaders will pick the American soil to begin with. Why not China where there are more people? Or Latin America that is more vulnerable in terms of weapons and logistics? But of course it´s not about being realistic. They only want to sell tickets and their main market is precisely the U.S. It stands to reason that the audience will feel more identified if they see their own cities and people being destroyed.
If you have seen Skyline you will find it inferior if compared to other movies with a similar theme such as Cloverfield or Independence Day. The only original thing here is how the aliens of this film plan to eliminate all human beings...they... erm... collect them, separate their brains and spines and attach them to drones of their own making. Mankind is hopeless. 
Great special effects, but really it´s a lame idea!


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