The Hangover: One More Time

The question I had in mind before I saw this movie was: "Can it get any crazier than the first one?" And the answer is yes, a lot, even messed up and grotesque at some points but fun in the end. It's intended for adults more than any other age group. 
What is the reason behind the success of the Hangover series? (it's a series since there is another sequel coming next year) I think that the idea is basically original. A group of friends that get so drunk, thanks to what one of them has the others drink, that they end up forgetting everything the did while they were drunk. There is also the fact that they did things that do not even match their personalities, terrible things. It is like their wild side were given freedom. It is said the plot of the first movie was based on real events, but I prefer to think that this is the story of Doctor Jekyll and Mr. Hyde written by a comedian.
The location, and the occasion, picked for these hangovers to happen was important to their stories. In the first movie it was Vegas, in the second it was Bangkok and I can't help but wonder what other city could put up with this group of lunatics.
This hangover is already in the DVD so once the film is over don't forget to see the credits if you want to know what really happened and how.


Einsen said…
well, despite the fact of this movie being mostly recomended to adults, both of us know that everyone with more than 15 years old in our city has already seen it or its previous version yet... i dont like it that much i mean... i just dont like it

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