
A sexist palindrome!

What's a Palindrome
Well, it is not a word but a group of words that together have a special quality: palindromes are groups of words that can be read either way and at the same time retain their meanings, and here are some examples.
Never odd or even
Madam, I´m Adam
Do geese see God?
A nut for a jar of tuna
Air an aria
There are also shorter examples:
Avid diva
Bird rib
Even some names are palindromes such as Bob, Eve Elle, or Ann.
Do we have palindromes in Spanish? Sure but not as many as in English and perhaps the most famous of them all is the following: "Dábale arroz a la zorra el abad."
I´ve always wondered why the abad would do such a thing.


Manuel Erazo said…
I've heard about this but not as palindromes even in Spanish but I don't know the reason for their existence, but still something good to know.
Unknown said…
Rosa: I didn't know about this kind of words. I think that every day, we can learning something new. It's very interesting.🤔
Carlos León Moran said…
I laughed at the Spanish example. Wow! I didn't know this, I didn't even know that's what they were called, it's interesting to know these terminologies. I think I have heard or read words like that, but I can't remember at the moment.
Very interesting, I have heard this before, but not the terminology. In fact, I think sometimes people talk un this way, but they maybe don't know, haha.
As this cought my attention, I searched some in spanish because they are funnier.
A la gorda drogala.😂
¿Será lodo o dólares?

Anyway, interesting knowledge!
Rosario León said…
It’s the first time I’ve heard about this term. I think I knew that some words are similar thanks to some memes. For example the fanta-sea I guess we never stop learning.
Ginger Rocafuerte said…
I wonder whether there exist palindromes in other languages. Although not useful, it is funny to recognise palindromes in Spanish as well as in English.
Wow, I went back on time to my school days. At first, I didn't recognize the title, but once I finished reading the examples, a sentence that our teacher used to tell us to remember the topic just popped up in my mind.'Ana lleva al oso la avellana' lol. I also remembered a semipalindrome, 'Roma' the most common word our teacher made us remember. Still don't know their purpose, but good to know they exist 😂. Love the post!
Blanca Landivar said…
I found it very funny, I had never heard of this ... But I am sure I will find out more about it, surely there must be more examples of them in all languages.
Wow, i didn't remember about this topic at all. Personally, I had forgotten what it is about. Anyway, it is a super interesting topic, and in a way a little bit fun to learn.
Ericka Zambrano said…
As Saraí, I also have a flashback went I went at school and I learnt about Palindromes; they are so strange but interesting at the same time. The example which I remember is " Taco - cat".
I knew what this terminology was all about, but I didn’t know the exact word either in Spanish or English. I also looked up examples in Spanish and found "Atar a la rata"
Ginger Nicole Alvia González said…
I did not know this, even in Spanish. However, it is a great information since I do not all the names of words formations.
I found it very interesting. I had heard that there were these situations where you could read the same thing both from left to right, but I had only heard of words, not phrases or sentences and the term is something that I did not have any knowledge of either.
I have heard that example in Spanish too and I'm still wondering what is it means. Anyways, what is the main use for the Palindromes? Do they have one?
Unknown said…
Dave Criollo
I know a funny palindrome un Spanish: Anita la gorda lagartona no traga la droga latina.
Evelin Arellano said…
I've never heard about this "Palindrome". In fact this is the first time and it's quite important to know, maybe also in Spanish we have but I've never hear about it.
First time I hear this word polyndromes and its meaning is a group of words that together have a special quality like:Avid diva
Bird rib in English there are many words to asi or groups but in Spanish there are not many words polyndromes.
Torres Alvear Odette said…
Really learning a language is something of never ending, in my ignorance I had never heard about this, but how good that I have learned something.
Mendoza Párraga Martha said…
I had never heard that word before, it is very interesting it's meaning.
Johanna Arteaga said…
I had no idea about these kinds of words, good to know. It was a quite interesting reading, thank you.
It is very interesting, I did not know much about palindromes, and it is very funny to read them from left to right. Very good this text, it makes me investigate much more about palindromes.
Palindromes are really interesting. I knew what the term meant a few years ago, and I actually tended to forget it all the time, but not anymore.
The palindrome example in Spanish was totally new to me. I had not heard or read it anywhere. It is very curious and a little strange, but perfect to represent the meaning of a palindrome.
Briggitte Vera said…
I' ve heard this in spanish but I didn't know the specif term to refer to it. Another common word in English is "Level" and in spanish "Amor a Roma"
Mayrene Pin said…
I have not heard this terminology before, the examples I had heard them. It is good to enrich knowledge through these types of articles, which are brief but enriching.
Mr. Bermudes, what is the abad in the first place? I´m so lost right now. But I'll look it up. I've heard some other Palindromes that I don't remember now but yours was much more complex hahaha. It's interesting how it works the same in English, who'd say so!? Languages are intriguing indeed.

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