Does Science deny God?

This is one of the greatest lies ever said. Science does not deny the existence of God. In fact it never has. Lots of people, among them several (not all ) scientists, have denied the existence of God and therefore every other possible divine manifestation. But that was them and then. They do not necessarily represent what Science says and to make matters more interesting, there are and have been scientists that are fervent believers such as Albert Einstein, for instance,whose most famous quote on the matter is: "I am convinced that He (God) does not play dice." Perhaps the problem is in this conviction that in order to worship a god we have to be members of a religious community in particular. Those groups may be dangerous in terms that they become obssessed with the idea that they exist as the result of a divine design and therefore have power of conscience over their followers who naively accept and believe whatever they say just because "they are God's representatives" (a title they assigned to themselves). In other words, they easily become powerful and total power corrupts, always. For these groups their main enemy is Science since it has every way to prove them wrong and with no foundation whatsoever they instruct their followers that Science is an enemy of God. The proof of that is that claim that Science denies the existence of God which is not true. Science accepts the possibility that God, or any other god, exists; nevertheless, Science does something else (and that is the problem for all religious leaders and their sad and blind followers): it demands proofs. Can all those people present real proof, at least one that does not imply the irresponsible use of faith, that their god exists? Not so far. No one has and so the conflict, and necessary lies, will continue for Science does not deny God but it does deny that there are proofs that He exists. 
Personally I would like God to exist with all my heart. Being an atheist I keep talking about God more often than not, just like Henrich Böll said and who scorned atheists by saying: "All they do is talk about God." But my becoming an atheist was perhaps also divine since one day I sat down and read the Bible with an open mind and ever since I have believed in God no more.


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