Ghost Words are Real

They do exist but there is nothing paranormal about them. Ghost words are terms that become part of the bank of words of alanguage only accidentally. So is the case of SYLLABUS which was actually a case of misspelling. True, originally Syllabus had a different  meaning: Table of Contents and it was spelled sylltabos. It was a servant's (back then in the Roman empire) mistake that allowed SYLLABUS to be a word used these days as one of those basic terms used by teachers in particular. SYLLABUS  is not the only case, other famous cases such as: Dord, Scapegoat  and even  Okay.
Unbelievable as it may sound my last name may be considered a Ghost Word of some kind  since it is spelled BERMUDES when it should be BERMUDEZ. All thanks to some inefficient secretary of the Ecuadorian Civil Registration Office.                                                        



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