Where was the Joker?

Where was the Joker during the events of the Dark knight Rises? Well, he was dead, in a way. We know what happened to Heath Ledger the actor that played the Joker in The Dark Knight, but that does not necessarily mean the Joker also had to be absent from TDKR. It is known there was some footage unused from TDK and some of that material could have been used in the third movie. Technology operates "miracles" these days, we know that. 
Many fans waited eagerly to see scenes somehow adapted so the Joker could make a surprise appearance in TDKR. It would have been a great addition to an already great film, but for one reason or another, Christopher Nolan, the film director,did not want to go into that. To the dismay of many Batman fans, the Joker was not in the last film though he survived his last encounter with Batman. I know it sounds cold but Heath Ledger was the one who was dead not the Joker.
I know putting the Joker there would have perhaps been considered a lack of respect to Mr. Ledger's memory even with his family's consent; and also there could have been legal problems for this or that reason. Perhaps they could have hired another actor, someone with similar physical presence as Ledger so the Joker would appear "in silent mode" , his voice in off as though he were thinking. 
Still there is one good reason that explains if parttially why the Joker was not in TDKR. the prison that Bane breaks open is Blackgate prison. "Normal" criminals go there, but the ones who have their brains fried like the Joker, those get sent to Arkham Assylum, a dark place even for the mentally ill.
So that would be the answer: the Joker was in Arkham Assylum.


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