To Have the Reason (Incorrect)

Who has the reason? Politicians? Religious leaders? Scientists? Hoobastank? (a music band that sings "The Reason"). Well, none of them because to have the reason is an impossible thing to do. The Reason as such doesn't exist. The fact that in Spanish it is possible to say TENER LA RAZON  doesn't mean it is possible in Englsih as well. In this context Have is quite physical in meaning, so you must be able to show what you say. If you're going to say TENGO HAMBRE, don´t say: "I HAVE HUNGER" because you cannot possibly show your hunger. You feel it, that's all. Therefore the correct expression is "I'm hungry". That explains why we have to say I'm thirsty or I´m sleepy or the correct expression of what we are seeing today: TO BE RIGHT


Luis Tapia said…
This is one of the several problems people have with translation, and to be honest i also have this problem sometimes.
Lex Guerrero said…
we cannot translate spanish into english with the same words or exactle equal. What we have to do is get e idea and then turn it up in english, thats why learning english is not only learning vocabulary, Ii´s also learning grammar and expresions. the example that you gave is perfect. Traslating exactly the explesion "tengo la razon" it will be I have the reason, but if say something like that to an american, he wouldn´t undersand you, you have to get the expresion or the idea and then turn it up into english. So "tengo la razon" should be "I´m right."

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