Please does not mean Por Favor

Please has never meant Por favor and it never will. That simple. They may have the same function, but do not mean the same. POR FAVOR really means "as a favor to me". Of course, that is never explained to us when we are taught the use of this expression of courtesy that as such has lost its original meaning. It is just two words we have to say kindly if we want to obtain something from others. 
But if this appeal to generosity is not enough then let's examine its English equivalent: PLEASE. This word comes from the verb To Please which means "to give satisfaction" but it has also lost its original meaning to become a polite way to soften requests and indications (hence the expression "Please, please me!") The fact that PLEASE is not POR FAVOR can also be proved the following way: in English you can say, "Do me a favor, please!", but not in Spanish because then you are being redundant if you say "¡Házme un favor, por favor!"
So next time you say Please, know that it is not what you thought it was. In English, a case like this is not unique at all. 


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Another day when ignorance gets out of my way.
Personally, I had no knowledge of this, for me it was always an expression of "Por favor”.
Manuel Erazo said…
Ehmm, In my lack of knowledge, I can say that this sort of things in a language is a kind of 'normal', I mean some expressions, words and even grammar structures will change their meanings or format respectively through the following years, language will always change, and that I've learned it at the University.
Johanna Arteaga said…
I find this quite interesting, in my opinion it's always better to try to understand the foreign cultural point of view in the use of words instead of assuming that everything can be directly translated into our native language because there are cases of expressions in English that doesn't even exist in our mother tongue.
Cynthia Ramón Casal said…
I had heard this before but I didn't remember it until I read it here. It's always good to learn how and where do words come from.
I had some knowledge about that use, but I have not put it much into practice, it is good to learn a little every day, and these little texts help a lot.
Ginger Rocafuerte said…
The ideas from the text have to be examined carefully. It can be argued that although the words have specific meanings within their languages, they are prone to changes with time and cultural changes. That is why the word please can be considered to mean por favor because that is the way it is used in the present time.
Blanca Landivar said…
I have been deceived all my life ..! It's incredible, I didn't really know. I find it very interesting to know that each language has its own way of expressing the idea it wants to convey. Hence, when learning a new language we must learn how it is spoken in the original territory and not simply translate and translate.!
I have had a error mean about this word, I have though that mean of please word was Prr favor but it is not. The english always supride me
Interesting fact of this expression Please since it has never meant a favor have or can have the same function , but it is not , it is not explained when it is taught its original meaning has been lost in English a case like this is not unique is absolute, two words say kindly get something but if your appeal to genetosity is not enough Please come from the verb give satisfaction.
I've been fooled all my life. Since I can remember, I thought that please means "por favor" in Spanish. But I didn't realize that it was a verb and has another meaning that I don't know. *mind blowing *
Evelin Arellano said…
Well, I don't know what to say, I've always though that PLEASE means in spanish Por favor but now I known that it's no true. I feel like I've been living in a lie with the meaning of that word.
It's really good to know these kind of things.
Nathaly Torres said…
I didn't know that, is interesting how we can learn more about cultures and languages with simple words/phases like that. Now I can use better this expessions.
Samuel Macias said…
I'm really surprised again, all my life I believed that please is the correct way to mention but it is not the correct way is: do me a favor thank you for this information.
Torres Alvear Odette said…
I think it will be difficult to stop saying "Please" but it is important to learn these details. They are habits that you learn but you have to learn them correctly.
Britney Navas
It is really interesting because I sincerely thought that this word meant the same in any place but now I see that it doesn't, that's why it's good to know and more than anything read a lot to learn this kind of things.
Ginger Nicole Alvia González said…
it is pretty interesting. I always use Please because I want to say Por favor and the meaning that I've read makes me think that it's true since there some other words that have the same situation, that if we translate it has another meaning but we use them as something else.
Alejandra Del Valle said…
Completely right. We have to acknowledge that words are powerful. Saying "please" could be a synonym for "do" with an imperative connotation if you look at it from another angle. But a softer connotation, one of solicitude, has been given to this expression over the years. So next time I say "please", I think I'll feel like a queen, only waiting for my request to be attended [chuckles in spanish].
Juan Jesús said…
Good information. Sometimes we apply English in a bad way. Always we can learn to improve our English.
Angie Rodriguez said…
It is interesting to know new expressions every day that will help us in the future as a teacher.
Cynthia Rizzo said…
It is very important to know this type of information to avoid making mistakes in the future. I have always used this word with my friends and I liked to know its true meaning.
I have heard something about that but I didn't know it well. Thank you for helping me with my knowledge not only about grammar but culture too.
Unknown said…
Dave Criollo

I didn't know that, thanks for the information.
Alejandra Coronel Guzhñay said…
I feel ripped off by the school.
Briggitte Vera said…
Great information, Now I'm going to try to remove Please= por favor / to its correct meaning!! Maybe it will take me a little time.!!!!
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I like to learn these facts, they are very important to know and very helpful, thank you. :)
Ericka Zambrano said…
I confirme it! Every time I enjoy these writings more and more because I learn a lot and acquire new knowledge.
Wow! It is interesting to know that but, in English it is mostly used as a interjection in order to do a polite request. I think that in English there are some expressions that have never been the same as in Spanish, even if we try to compare them. As in English I think that the expression: "Please me, please" is ok but, in Spanish that expression could be weird.

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