Is Fast a Verb?

Well, yes it is and it isn't. The problem with FAST is that it can be dfferent parts of speech. A part of speech refers to the function of a certain word in a certain context, meaning that words can be different things according to how they are used.
For example:  I have a fast car.
                    Things happen really fast here.
In the first example FAST is working as an adjective while in the second is an adverb. In both the meaning remains very similar. What happens when we use FAST as a verb? Then the change is a bit more drastic since even the meaning is different. True: in the sentence: "Muslims fast during Ramandan" what we mean is Muslims do not eat during the day (Ramadan is a special time of the Muslim year when all muslims fast during the day and eat only a little something after dusk). So what muslims do is AYUNAR. The most interesting thing is that most L2 learners already know this word because it is one of the first words they are taught only as a part of a compound word and that is breakFAST. 
We all fast during our sleep (there's no much choice) and with the first meal of the day we break that fast, hence the name.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          


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